Chapter 3_Getting Some Answers

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Jeremey's POV: When all the boys entered the office and sat down. I cleared my throat. "Jer is everything okay?" asked Phil. I tossed them Jess's file, take a look at this for yourselves.

After a few minutes, my brothers were in an uproar. "What the fuck is wrong with her, she better have a good explanation or else she would be grounded until she's fucking 18." Stated Will. "William Walter Cannon, calm yourself down now!" I snapped. "I will be calling in Jess and talking to her, alone, then we will discuss what she says." "Um Jer, it might be best if I and Gordo stayed here, with me being a therapist and Gordo being a nurse," Aaron suggested. I thought about it before saying "You two can stay, but only if Jess is willing to talk with you two in the room, if not you both go out, deal?" They looked at each other before nodding their heads. "Okay everyone else out, Gordo do you want to grab Jess" Gordo walked towards the intercom. I mentally smacked my self for forgetting about it.

A few minutes later Jess walked into the office. "Have a seat, Jess," I stated. After Jess sat down on the couch between Ace and Gordo, I pulled a chair in front. "Jess we have seen your file and have some concerns that we need to address with you." Jess was shaking before she looked up at me, she sat up straight, her eyes had fire in them, she is pissed. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW THE OTHERS MY FILE" she yelled before the fire in her eyes died out, and she curled in on herself. "I trusted you to be the only one to look at it." I took a deep breath "Baby girl, I didn't tell them to make you feel bad, or to embarrass you, I had to tell them, Phil is going to be your school's principal, Will will probably be one of your teachers, they needed to know your grades. Charlie and Fred are into sports and are one of the first two home each day, they need to know what sports you like to play, just in case you join a school team, they could take you or pick you up from games, and practices." Jess uncurled herself "That makes some sense but what about those two?" She pointed to Ace and Gordo "Aaron is a therapist for both children and adults. "What kind of therapist?" "Jess, I am a mental health therapist" Aaron replied. "Mental health therapist why would you need to know, I'm not crazy" "Jess, you are not crazy, but you did see Mum and Eric die in front of you, Eric tried to kidnap you, that would take a troll on you even if you don't know it. Have you ever had a nightmare since that night?" Jess paled she swallowed hard. "Almost every night" she whispered "That's normal for someone who experienced drama, I can help, you can talk to me every time you have a nightmare or every time you just need to talk. I will listen to you, never judge or give you any advice unless you want it, just listen. I promise" Jess nodded her head, Aaron ruffled her hair and turned to me "You still need me Jer, I said what was needed." "No Ace, you can go" Aaron stood and hugged Jessie and left.

"Okay that answered why he was here, but why is Gordo here?" Jess asked with the teenage attitude that us boys were used to due to Eddie having had such an attitude. "Watch your tone Jess" I scowled "Sorry Jer, but why is Gordo here," She asked more politely. I nodded towards Gordo, who spoke up "Jess, Jer will have to give you a full physical before you go to school" Gordo held up his hand when Jess was going to interrupt him. "You may not know this, but Jer is the only doctor in our town now that Dr. Downey retired, and because Jer's only other nurse is on Maternity leave now, I am the only nurse in this town for a year, or until Jer hires another nurse. but anyhow I have to know your medical history in order to better help Jer. I'm not doing it to hurt you in anyway Jess." "Jess" I spoke up "I have some questions to ask you, They will be very personal, Gordo can stay in the room, or he can leave and I can give him some of the details later." Jess thought about it before declaring that Gordo can stay, so he has a first-hand account of what happened.

Before we talked I walked over to the Keurig machine that us boys installed in here and made 3 cups of hot chocolate. I handed a cup to Gordo, a cup to Jess and sat down with my cup. "What's this for?" Jess asked. "It might help calm you, don't worry it's the organic kind, with no milk added to it" Jess took a sip "Thanks Jer"

"Okay Jess let's begin, first off a good job at getting straight A's, but what sports do you want to keep playing in school?" "Well, I love football (Soccer), Volleyball, and 5-pin bowling, archery" "What sports do you want to drop?" Jess smirked "All but those four, especially Cheerleading, I detest cheerleading" "Why did you take cheerleading if you hate it?" Gordo asked "I only joined because Eric made me, said girls should only be cheerleaders and not play any other sports. He didn't know about all the others, I joined them to spite him." "Okay Jess if your physical goes well you can try out for the school teams and or join a community club, we won't stop you" Jess smiled "Thanks Jer" "Okay now onto the more important questions" Jess looked scared. "It's okay baby girl, we just want to help you and we can't if we don't know what is wrong or why you do what you do." Jess looked down. I kneeled so I was in front of her at her level and I pulled her chin up so she looked into my eyes. "Jessica, we will never make fun or punish you for this, you need help and all of us older boys want to help, and only help" a look of disbelief passed over her eyes "I promise, and if anyone in this house does make fun or punish you, you must come and tell me, and I will deal with them." "Okay Jer"

I sat back down and started asking the harder questions. "Why do you make yourself sick?" Jess took a deep breath "Eric told me that I was getting too fat, that I had to lose weight or else he would kick me out of the house, stop paying for my schooling, and make me homeless. I tried eating less food, but that still didn't help me lose weight fast enough, for Eric's liking, so I started skipping meals. Then the school realized what I was doing and made me eat. Then Eric sent me a link to a website that explained how to make yourself sick to lose weight." "So you started to do that after you read it?" "No I came home for break and Eric asked me if I read the article, I said no, he beat me until I agreed to read it, he then told me I better start making myself lose weight or else he would beat me because he didn't want a fat step-daughter." I was speechless for a few minutes. Gordo yelled out. "THAT BASTARD BEAT OUR BABY SISTER" I found my voice once again when I saw Jess flinch " How often did Eric beat you" I almost whispered. "Every time I did something he didn't like or didn't do something he told me to do, or when I gave him lip, or attitude if Mum was around he told me off, but is she wasn't he beat me." "Well at least he didn't do anything worst" Aaron softly stated, even tho you could hear the uncertainty in his voice. "Until he caught me calling you Jer, after a bad beating, He decided that beating me wasn't making me submissive enough for his liking, so he.. he..."Jess started crying, I scooped Jess up in my arms and rubbed her back "He what Jess?" "He raped me" She cried out.

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