chapter 1 _ Coming Home

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Jessica POV:

I walked down the hallway with Mr. McFrinde, my school's security guard, carrying my bags for me. We reached the headmistress's office. "It was nice knowing you Jess, and I wish you luck in your future, I have a feeling that you will go far" "Thank you Mr. McFrinde" he gave me a quick side hug before knocking on the door. "Come In" "Miss Cannon is here," Mr. McFrinde said before gently leading me into the room. "Thank you Mr. McFrinde, Miss Cannon, here is your school records that your brothers requested." I gently took the records from Mrs. McFrinda and placed it in my backpack. "Now do you have everything from your dorm room, locker, and classrooms?" " Yes, Madam. Mr. McFrinde helped me grab everything." I replied "Good, good. I wish you could stay and continue your education here, but due to recent events that happened here, I must agree with your brothers, being here wouldn't be good for your mental health, now come on I'll walk you to the front" "Thank you Mrs. McFrinda"

We walked out of the office and down the hallway that was behind her office, into the double doors, that was recently repaired. Standing on the other side was two of my brothers, Jer and Phil. " Doctor and Mr. Cannon, it's nice to see you again, even if it is one last time. Miss Cannon has all her stuff and her school records, She was a great pleasure to have at this school, she never fought with anyone, and was always polite" Mrs. McFrinda rambled on. I gave a look at Jer, he must have seen because he suddenly cut her off. "Very good, sorry to interrupted but we do have a plane to catch" "Right sorry" With that Phil grabbed one bag and Jer grabbed the other and led me to the rental car.

"So Jess, are you excited to go back home?" Phil asked, "I guess, I mean it will be strange there without Mum." I pulled out a book and started reading it. I read half of it before we got to the airport.

Jeremey's POV:

Once we got on the airplane, Jess asked for the window seat, Phil and I agreed and let her sit first, then it was me, due to her being closer to me, then Phil. 5 minutes in and Jess was out like a light. "Jer, do you think Jess is alright, she seems a bit down to me" "I don't know Phil, she did went through and saw a lot, possibly more then she lets on. Plus we just decided to remove her from school and her friends, to come back home. She may not be taking it well. But unless she opens up, we don't know what is going inside her head." Phil just went back to his book. I nodded off.

I woke up a few hours later to Phil shaking me awake. "Jer, wake up time to get off the plane." I looked around and saw Jess was still asleep. I gently shook her awake. " Jer?" "Hey, baby girl, we landed time to go home" Jess rubbed her eyes, "Okay" She stood grabbed her carry on and walked off the plane towards baggage claims.

"She looks like she's not afraid walking around the airport, by herself," Phil said behind me as we watched Jess. "I know that Eric just dropped her off at the airport at the beginning of the school year, and picked her up holidays and end of the year" "how do you know that Jer?" "Jess told me and Will when we picked her up from school, for the funerals. She was shocked that we actually came to the school to pick her up" "Are you ready to be a father figure in her life Jer?" "Very funny Phil, I am and always will be her biggest brother, and it isn't just me to watch out for her, all of us has to watch out for Jess and Ed." "Jer! Phil! stop yapping like a couple of girls and let's go" I chuckled at Jess's words, and walked towards the exit. "Yapping like girls?! when I get my hands on you!" Phil shouted and chased after Jess.

Phil's POV:

I took off chasing after Jess, seeing Jer shaking his head at the two of us. I quickly caught up to Jess and tickled her. "Phil...haha...stop...." "Not till you say sorry" "Hahaha....never....haha...Philly...stop...Haha" "Fine you asked for it" Before she could catch her breath, I picked her up, upside down, and carried her towards the car. "Phil put me down" I smirked, "nope I like you like this." I frowned slightly realizing how light she feels, I do this all the time with Edward and they are only 3 years apart. "Phillip Parker Cannon, put her down now" Jer yelled "Okay" I flipped Jess over and put her down in the car. "Philly. Jer, can I go to sleep on our way home, I'm a bit tired?" Jer and I exchange looks "still?" "Yea, I had a bad sleep last night." Jess lied. "Sure, sweetie, we'll wake you when we get home, and maybe sleep some more. Phil and I could join in too."

-Time Skip-

"You want to wake her?" Jer asked me when we pulled into the driveway. "No, can you carry her in?" "why you can carry." "Jer I want you to feel something"

Jeremey's POV:

Phil was acting weird, but whatever, I lifted Jess out of the car and frowned at how light she felt. I turned to Phil "I'm going to put her in her room, then we can talk"

Carrying Jess upstairs, I was glad the other boys were at work or in school, so the house was quiet. Entering Jess's room I pulled back the light blue covers and gently laid her down. I pulled the covers back up onto her. I then quietly left her room, closing the door softly.

Making my way downstairs I saw Phil sitting on the couch, on his phone. "Okay Phil, when did you notice how light she was?" "When I picked her up at the airport. I felt how light she was." "she's going to have to go to my office for a full check-up" "Is that ethical for you to do?" "Technically, no, but because I am the only doctor in town since Dr. Downey retired, the only other option is to go out of town and since Mum's death is all over the papers, it would be too much hassle with the paps." (A/N Dr. Downey is the name of the doctor that saved my life when I was 3)

All of a sudden the door slams open and our brothers come bounding in. "Jer is she here is she here?" Ed asked. I just chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Yes, she is, but she's sleeping right now. Now go do your homework, buddy" "But Jer it's the start of March Break" "If you do it now, you wouldn't have to do it all week" Ed smiled and ran to his room. I was thankful that each room is soundproof. "Gordo we are going to give Jess a full check-up sometime this week" "Okay" Came his reply as he started raiding the fridge. "Yo Gordo wait till dinner, will ya" yelled Charlie.

-Hour Later-

"Will, do you want to go wake up Jess?" I asked "Love to" he replied as he ran upstairs.

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