That's the Theme

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Erik POV

Erik glanced over at his alarm and moaned, it was 9:30 am and he knew he had a very long day ahead of him. It was less than 36 hours ago that he had snuck Christine back into her house through her window sill. Those pains she was feeling were from the gunshot that Jonathan had created in her last life. The kiss did trigger something in her, but for all he knew, she could have thought it was just a dream. Erik smacked himself on the forehead several times in frustration because he knew she should have not held back the way he did. He wished he would have taken advantage of her vulnerable state, but he knew that there was no use. He had to let her fall in love with him her own way.

Christine POV

Music class was about to start and Christine was having a hard time sitting patiently waiting to see how Erik would be today. If he showed any type of emotion towards her, then she would know what happened on Monday was real, but if nothing, it was just a sick dream she had.

"Girl, what are you thinking about?" Meg asked as she ate her skittles.

"Nothing, I've just been having really weird dreams," Christine answered.

"About the dude with no face?"

"Well, not exactly," Christine looked down at her college-lined notebook and started tracing the lines with her pencil.

"See," Meg exclaimed, "I told you those were just a stage, good thing too because I thought you were going crazy," Meg laughed to herself.

Christine sighed; she was definitely not telling Meg about the whole Erik situation.

Just then, Erik walked in looking the same as he always looked; his thick hair slicked back, his scarred skin and dark purple eye bags covered with concealer and powder, and his usual attire.

"Class, today I decided for the first part of the class we speak about the songs we chose for our performance. I believe that it is crucial to see inside the song rather than just sing the words because you like it."

The class groaned. "I thought we were going to watch the rest of Phantom," a dark-haired girl said from the desk next to Christine.

"We will, but at the last 30 minutes of class, for now, I'm curious to know why you picked the songs you did."

One by one the students got up and in turn, said why they picked the songs, some explanations were because they loved the song since they were little or a grandparent would play it all the time. It was sort of a lot of memories and Christine had become bored very easily. Then it was Meg's turn.

"Well," Meg started, "As you all know, I am singing Memory from the musical Cats and it is no surprise why. I have three cats at home that I love and they are just my babies. I am known as the cat lady of the school, so what better way to pay tribute than to sing something from Cats. I also have a Cat named Grizabella and the song is sung by Grizabella, the Glamour Cat."

"Very interesting, Ms. Grey," Erik said in his seat. He then glanced over Christine's way and she could feel her cheeks grow warm from embarrassment. She had to get these thoughts out of her head. It wasn't real, Erik was not real. It was all a dream.

"Ms. Day, would you like to come and present why you chose the song you did?"

Christine stood up slowly and started walking towards the front of the classroom; her heart beating louder in her head. She tried so hard not to look over at Erik and show that he was nothing to her. She could feel the pull and a voice in her head that said to acknowledge him, but she quickly shut it off.

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