If It Takes Forever

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A/N: Here's another chapter!

The evening of the Winter Formal


Today was the day Christine had to make her decision about Roman and how she would say no, she really didn't know. She stared at herself through the large mirror that hung inside of her closet door. Her dress was gold and ivory with hints of burgundy in the mix. It was off the shoulder with faux pearls that dangled from the edges. The ball gown was too poufy for her taste, but Meg insisted that she rented it since it was supposed to be back in the day. Christine wondered if she really wore these kinds of dresses back when she was Christine Daae; it was another question to ask Erik. The mask she chose matched her dress perfectly with pearls hanging from the top of the mask. It was one of those masks that had the elastic string that kept it from falling off; her hair was put in a chignon with a few loose curls cascading over her bare shoulders.

Christine heard her doorbell ring and quickly ran down the steps. Bella had to stop her and take pictures, and of course, she had the whole group file in to take group shots. Meg was wearing a ball gown similar to Christine's the only difference was that the dress was white and black, didn't have the pearls, and had a square neckline with sleeves down to the elbows. Michael and Roman both wore tuxes but Roman had a burgundy square napkin in his front pocket and Michael had a white one to match Meg's dress. The four of them huddled together for a few pictures and then the couples were separated. Roman held his hands on Christine's waist and she felt so uncomfortable, she wished it was Erik's hands that replaced Roman's.

Finally, the pictures stopped and the four of them could get going. Roman extended his arm to Christine and with a bit of hesitation, she took it. Outside there was a black Cadillac waiting for them, with the driver standing outside. He had the back door open to reveal black leather seats and a roomy atmosphere. The car ride was fantastic; there was champagne and strawberries for the four to munch on before getting to the dance. They had to try and drink a bit before getting to the dance due to the fact that they were under the age of 21, in high school, and it's a dry dance.

Christine was feeling pretty good by the time they rode up to the front of the dance. Meg had outdone herself with the decorations. There was a huge sign in front of the building that welcomed them to the dance and also, everyone got a white mask once they entered, it was for people who might have forgotten their masks, or for the chaperones. Once Christine and her group entered the school they could hear the faint music coming from the school gym; she knew that Erik was just behind the double doors as he was one of the chaperones. They came to the ticket booth and the four of them gave their entrance passes to Chelsea Malone, who was a T.A. for 10th-grade science. The winter formal was for Juniors and Seniors so it seemed appropriate for her to be taking the tickets.

"You ready to see the rest of the magic?" Meg looked up at the doors, Christine could see the excitement in her eyes.

"It better take me back in time, Meg," Christine joked, "If I don't feel like I'm back in 1865 then I don't know what I will do!"

Meg laughed and reached across to lightly punch Christine in the shoulder.

"Shall we go?" Roman smiled over at Christine and then leaned over to whisper in her ear, "You look beautiful tonight, by the way."

"Thanks," Christine smiled up at Roman. He looked pretty irresistible tonight in a tux; tuxes were one of Christine's weaknesses. They walked in through the double doors and into the gym, Christine couldn't believe her eyes. There were gold and white snowflakes all over everything. There were faux white trees all over the edge of the gym with silver and gold tinsel. The gym lights were changed from their normal yellow lighting to blue and white to make it look like they were outside. There were snowflakes projected onto the ceiling of the gym as well; it was so magical.

Meg nudged Christine and had her look to the side, "That's where we are going to take our pictures," Christine saw a beautiful arch that had white and gold roses tied to them as well as tinsel and snowflakes and on top, it said: Winter Nights 2022.

"Meg," Christine said, wide-eyed, "It's gorgeous! You've outdone yourself this year!"

Meg flipped her straight- platinum hair back, "I know, it's the best I've done yet." The girls laughed and then she grabbed her hand to show her the rest of the setup. Christine was in awe the whole time, it was just so beautiful. Roman and Michael met up with them with cups in their hands.

"For you, princesses," Michael said as he passed the cup he was holding to Meg, making her blush.

Roman gave his cup to Christine, "Here you go darling, we should cheer, you know, for us."

Then a song that Christine really enjoyed came over the speakers. "Oh Roman," Christine smiled widely, "I love this song! Let's dance!"

They went to the dance floor followed by Meg and Michael as well as other students and started dancing. When she looked to her left, she noticed a tall man in gold, full-faced mask staring at her. She knew it had to be Erik and through mid-dance she excused herself, but before she could the song changed and Raoul grabbed her again, forcing her back through us.

"Just one slow song?" Raoul pleaded, Christine faced him and nodded. It was a smooth jazz song from a while ago called, "I will wait for you," but the DJ had played the Andy Williams version, which was Christine's favorite.

"If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers, I will wait for you
Till you're back beside me, till I'm holding you
Till I hear you sigh here in my arms"

She couldn't help thinking about Erik as the song played on, had her head on Roman's shoulder, but now she couldn't find Erik anywhere, all of a sudden the music changed a bit, and the vocals were gone. Christine and Roman both turned to the stage and saw the man in the golden mask now singing. Christine almost died knowing that it was Erik, fortunately for her, no one else knew.

"Anywhere you wander, anywhere you go
Every day remember how I love you so
In your heart believe what in my heart I know
That forevermore I'll wait for you"

"Meg," Roman whispered to her, "This is so sick, getting a guy to actually sing at this dance, very cool, very old school."

"Yes, very," Meg stumbled over her words. Christine could tell she was lying also she could tell she was sort of freaked out.

"The clock will tick away the hours one by one
Then the time will come when all the waiting's done
The time when you return and find me here and run
Straight to my waiting arms"

The singer walked off of the stage, still singing into the cordless mike, walking over to the four of them. Christine stiffened, she didn't want this. She didn't want Erik to do this, especially in front of everyone. He came up to Christine and she saw his amber eyes bare into hers. She felt Roman start to fidget uncomfortably. The masked man put the mike in Christine's face and beckoned her to sing. Christine stood there and just looked at the mike and grew pale.

"I...I can't." Christine moved the mike from her face. The golden-faced man kept it there, now Christine knew she had to sing. She had to please the man she would eventually fall in love with.

"If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
Till you're here beside me, till I'm touching you

Christine's voice then cracked, embarrassed by her next words...

"And forevermore sharing your love."

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! I didn't want to do the whole dance in one chapter because I feel like it's one of those two-parters. Anyways, please make sure to review for more, and follow and fave of course

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