Suicide Season

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You stare at something humans call a clock and remember of the past. Terezi stares at the wall,her lips pressed together in a thin line and her face expressionless.

We stare at broken clocks,

The hands don't turn anymore.

-Start flashback-

It seemed like time slowed down when it happened.

As he fell when he was struck, His face contorted with pain and breathed in his last breath. He crumbles to the floor and Terezi rushes to his side,hysterical, muttering words like No! And why?

No explanations,

No fucking reasons why.

You fall to the floor staring at your moirail, who buried her face into Karkat's stomach.

I watch it eat you up,

Pieces falling on the floor.

"Hes gone. Fuck hes actually gone." You whisper. Terezi turns to look at you. Her eyes swollen and lifeless.

The day you lost him,I slowly lost you too.

For when he died, He took a part of you.

"If..If I can only see his face one more time.." She runs her fingers through Karkat's hair. "Just once."

"So I have something to remember him by. So I will never forget him." She whispers,boring her eyes into yours.

You exhale shakily, reaching over to close Karkat's eyes and wipe the blood off his face.

"Well at least he won't suffer anymore. He finally can show his blood colour without get cu-"

"ITS BECAUSE HES GONE,SOLLUX!" Terezi growls and tears stream down her face.

"Hes gone."You flinch and get up,nudging her.

"Theres nothing left to do here but get culled ourselves. The drones are coming for us, We must go."

"No."She clings on to him but you are stronger. You pull her up and drag her away from him.

"I don't want any more trolls dying...Its for the best,TZ." She clawed your skin and wailed.


No time for farewells.

No chances for good-byes.

Guilty as fuck you drag her away into the darkness, Leaving Karkat to rot behind,

Her screams and wails echoing in the distance.

-End Flashback-

You snap out of your thoughts and feel guilty. You should have brought him with you as well. You should have let Terezi done what she wanted. But instead, You dragged her away, letting her mourn and scream. She never forgave you for that, but it doesn't mean you guys aren't moirails. You feel pathetic for not even trying to save Karkat from his doom. If only you can bring him back. You would do anything to make her smile again.

If sorrow could build a staircase, or tears can show the way;

I would climb my way to Heaven, and bring him back home again.

Terezi whimpers softly, remembering the awful past and whispers to thin air.

"Karkat, Come home..Why won't you come back home?" She slowly turns to you,her cheeks tear stained.

"Tell me something. Can you live without Aradia?" You stare at her wide-eyed and slowly shake you head.

"No." She gives you a small sad smile.

"Then tell me whats the point to living?Karkats gone."Your heart wrenches in pity for her and you shake your head once more,meeting her eyes.

"Don't give up hope my friend..This is not the end. Terezi, If i could, I would climb my way to Heaven and bring Karkat back home again. Not just me but all of our friends. We would do climb our way to Heaven, and bring him back home again." She nods a thanks and you sigh. Ever since Karkat died, All she did was sit and cry. You feel useless but you brush that feeling away.

You whisper to yourself a bit clear for Terezi to hear,

"I would do anything...To get him back to you.."

"Because if you got him back,"

"I would get back the friend that




-Next day-

You and Aradia come to your moirails hive to visit and you were greeted with a trail of teal blood. You eyes bulge out as you follow the track of blood. It leads into her chalk room, full of drawings from chalk. There, lays your moirail laying on the floor peacefully, and teal green and red chalk in her hand. Above her head, drawn on the wall was her and Karkat holding hands with flying hearts. And there, written in yellow was a message for you.

"Sollux, I've decided to go and try to bring Karkat back home. So we can be together."

You collapse on the floor and Aradia rubs your back as you sob.

So this is how Terezi feels.

I'll never get back the friends I once knew.


You visit Heaven as well and bring them both back.

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