A Cursed Love Story (Sakusa x Y/N) (SakuAtsu)

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In our society it's common for everyone to have what we believe is a soulmate. A soulmate. Someone whose soul is connected to yours. It sounds lovely, doesn't it? For most it probably is. But not for me. We have to have a way to tell if we have found our soulmate and those ways are usually cute and innocent. Just small tics like blinking more or the urge to scratch your arm when you get close to your soulmate. Problems and misunderstanding occurs sometimes due to it's only one of each pair who has these "tics". And of course it has to be me who has it. And I can insure you that mine is nowhere near cute...

When my friend and I got off the plane in Osaka, people, including my friend, started to give me disgusting looks. "Blaargh". I started making vomiting noises. Those looks were understandable. "Blaargh". But what's weird is that I wasn't even feeling nauseous. It was terrible. "Blaargh". My first time in Japan and I have already embarrassed myself. I wanted to get out of the airport. "Blaargh". Maybe fresh air would help.

It didn't, but the noises did fade away. At least enough for the taxi to let us get into the car. He drove us to our hotel. When we arrived and checked in the noises had stopped completely.

"Please never embarrass me like that again" my friend said when we let our bags rest on the beds in the hotel room.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."

"It's not like you. You never get sick." They glared at me. "Could it be motion sickness?" they then asked.

I threw myself onto one of the beds as I thought for a while.

Without having an answer I sighed and said instead, "I don't think so, never happened before"

They shrugged their shoulders and laid down on the other bed. With a smirk they said "It would have been a shame to miss the match tomorrow".

Right the match... THE MATCH!

I sat straight up in the bed and with a big smile I let out a small scream. How could I forget? The reason we are in Osaka, Japan, was because of the volleyball match between MSBY black jackals and DESEO hornets.

I have never been that interested in sports but after I read that volleyball manga "Connect" I started to look up real matches. It was then I found the MSBY and fell in love at first sight. Or should I say at the first spike. Sure I love the small sunshine boy who jumps really high or the big guy who receives with his chest or the setter who is a rip off version of Barry the bee, but the guy who I fell for was the freaky wrist guy. Sakusa Kiyoomi, jersey number 15. He looks majestic when he's all focused and bends his wrist while the ball makes a point on the other side.

It may seem disrespectful that I'm crushing this hard while we have soulmates. But hey, I haven't found mine and I didn't find anything about Kiyoomi's either. And yes, I did look it up. But what if he just keeps his soulmate hidden or has already rejected them? He doesn't really look like the type who would care about this stuff anyway. Maybe love isn't his thing? Maybe he just wants to have casual flings? It does look like there is something between Kiyoomi and his setter. Sadly we know they aren't each others soulmates. When I first found MSBY and wanted to look up some more, all the news was about how Atsumu, the setter's soulmate had died in an accident. Kiyoomi's is still out there though and all I can do is dream.

"No way I will miss this match!" I screamed. "I have waited my whole life for this!"

"Actually it has only been five months since you found them" they corrected.

I rolled my eyes.

It didn't matter how long it had been. All that did matter right now was that the match is tomorrow. I would be able to see my crush and his spikes up close. What if we made eye contact? Anyhow I am sure that everything will turn out to be perfect.

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