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Michael's POV
I regained consciousness and fluttered my eyes open. I couldn't tell if they were open or not because I seemed to be in a room to dark to see anything. I tried to remember exactly what happened.

So we walked to the edge of the woods and sat down. Katie started her story. I don't remember what it was about because I was to busy adoring Lexi. I remember her talking about kids getting kidnapped and murdered one by one. Then a dark figure showed up and said something about that being a great idea then everything went black.

"Lex? Ashton? Katie? Luke? Em? Anyone!?" I attempted to say strong but you could hear my shakiness in my voice. I tried to move but I was pinned to the wall or something hard. "Your awake." A raspy voice said in the dark. Right then the lights flickered on. I could see the man wait men. There was more than one. Three men were standing in front of me. All wearing dark material. I looked passes the man in front of me to actually see a forth man. He was facing the other direction so they were in a diamond shape. The one on the right was facing out words and the one of the left also facing the outside of the diamond they made in the middle of the room. I looked at the man facing away from me. I didn't notice before but he was facing Ash. "Mikey?" Ashton mouthed to me from the other side of the room. The room went dark once again.

Anna's POV
"Anna look at this? Do you think they're just messing with us?" Calum asked turning his phone to me. As I read the messages the one that said they won't be coming back tonight really caught my eye. My heart started pounding and I felt my stomach drop. "W-what." I started to feel tears running down my face. "N-no it c-can't be real they're just messing with us. Sorry I'm crying I just I-I..." he cut me off, "No no it's okay I know you get freaked out over these things. It's probably just something to get us to go out there." He stood up and sat next to me rubbing up and down my back to calm me down. I gave him a huge hug. "Maybe a cuddle will help?" He smiled and laid down. I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I laid my head on his chest realizing how happy Calum makes me. "Damn your cuddly." I giggled. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

Emily's POV
Black. That's all I see. Darkness. I hear quick movements but no light. "Luke." I chocked out. I tried to move but something was holding me down. I hear a light chuckle close to me. "He can't help you darling and there's no use in trying to get out." A raspy voice said in my left ear which made me jump. "W-who are you? What do you want with us? Is this some kind of cruel joke? Zach did you plan this? Haha very funny but stop." I expected Zach to turn on the lights and say something like "Awe come on Em we're just havin some fun." or for the whole party to jump out and laugh and say how much they scared me but nothing. Only more chuckles and movements.

"Ugh, Em?" I heard a small voice say from the distance. "Yeah? Yeah! Who is it?!" i said scared but excited I wasn't alone. "It's Katie." She said weakly. "Where are we Em? I'm scared and where's Le..." She was cut off by a loud laugh. It sounded like one of those laughs a villain makes in a movie. "Lexi isn't in this room." He chuckled. "This isn't funny tell us where our friends are and let us go, NOW!" Katie said forcefully. "Calm down sweetheart. You and your friends aren't going anywhere."

The lights suddenly went on. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the lighting but when it did I saw Luke in the middle of me and Katie. We were all tied up to these metal chairs. He was still knocked out or something. Tears rolled down my face rapidly. "Luke!" I cried out. "Wake up! Luke!" I kept on crying. His leg twitched which assured me he wasn't dead or anything. "Emily!" I leaned over some more to see Katie tied up. "Katie wh..." We were cut off again. "Just shut up!" The voice yelled. I totally forgot this person was here. I stared at him, trying to remember every detail to tell the police when, if we get out of here.

"What do you want with us? We don't have money! You can take our car if you want I don't care! Just let us go, okay?" I yelled at the person standing in front of all three of us. He laughed creepily at my words. "I want to have some fun with you and your little friends." He chuckled. Then boom. The lights went out and I was engulfed by darkness once again.

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