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"Tell him if he doesn't fall through with this deal it's over!"

You awoke to the sound of Eren shouting on the phone.
"Eren..are you okay?" You rubbed your eyes as the morning sun took over your vision.
You were still in bed, naked. Somehow you weren't all damp and sticky—Eren must've cleaned you up before going to bed.

Eren came rushing to your side, "Oh baby—I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He gave you a small kiss on the forehead before holding onto your hand.
"No it's fine." You smiled at the touch of Eren's calloused fingers intertwined with yours.

"Let me finish this call and I'll get back to you okay?"

You nodded your head, "okay..." he gave you another forehead kiss before disappearing to finish his call.
You were curious to know who he'd been talking to, it sounded like a business call but you already promised not to pry into what he did for a living. As they say—ignorance is bliss.

Tired of just sitting there naked you decided to go take a shower.
The penthouse was bigger than you expected so it took a while to find the bathroom but when you did you were amazed.

The bathroom was bigger than the tiny apartment you had Mikasa shared... seriously what the hell does he for a living.
Deciding not to dwell on the sheer size of his apartment you finally hopped into the shower, you were already naked so there was no need for delay.
The water pressure sent shivers down your spine and you could've sworn the quality of the water was ten times better than anything you've ever felt.

You were never leaving this place. Even if Eren had to drag you out the door you'd fight to stay, it was truly heaven on earth.
Surprisingly he already had everything prepared for you: your favourite shampoo, lotions, and even perfumes.

How did he know?

"How's it going?" Half of Eren's head made its appearance through the door. It startled you. You'd been looking through everything in the bathroom confused and questioning.
You quickly hit the lotion bottle you'd been holding behind your back, "it's going good, you have an amazing bathroom?" you nervously chuckled.

Eren walked into the bathroom. He came and held your waist before giving you small kisses on your neck. You tried putting down the bottle of lotion but Eren noticed it before you could do anything.

"Oh, did you not like the scent?" He questioned.

"No! The scent is amazing it's just that...how'd you know I'd like it?" You pulled away from him in an attempt to make some space between the two of you.

"I have a very strong nose princess," he walked closer trapping you between him and the wall, "the first day we met I immediately caught a whiff of your strong peachy scent." He held onto your waist, groping your bare ass in the process.

"But these are the same exact brands I use, how'd you know?"

"Only the best for my princess and it seems you have expensive taste."

He wasn't wrong...when it came to self-care you loved to splurge and buy the most expensive brands even if your wallet didn't exactly permit you to do so.

"What did you think? That I was some stalker?" He looked at you with an amused smile. Seeing his calm attitude you laughed along with him.
"I mean you did buy me roses without knowing where I lived so yeah, that thought had been in the back of my mind." You traced a finger down his bare chest.

"First, every lady loves roses and second, I have my ways of finding out whatever I want."


He interrupted your words with a kiss, "don't ask any questions remember?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Good girl." He slapped your ass, making you let out a small whimper.
"Wanna go for another round? We're already naked..." he whispered in your ear.

"Race you to the bed?"

"You're on!"



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Pretty Princess | Eren Jeager x !FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now