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➸ The restaurant Eren brought was beyond your expectations, he really knows how to woo a girl doesn't he?
First the hotel room that shouldn't even be considered a hotel room and now a 5 star restaurant that offered the most expensive wine in the country.

"Do you like the food?"

You stared down at your dish, a plate of pasta with lamb ragü. It was amazing, not only was Eren paying for everything, he even ordered the priciest wine on the menu.

"It's amazing, but are you sure you can afford all this?" You whispered as to not embarrass him with your question.
He laughed and looked at you with an amused gaze, "Do you think I can't afford this?" He questioned, his left brow raised as you sat in thought.

"I don't know, maybe you're actually broke and just trying to show off so you can get in my pants."

He chuckled, "You're right about one thing—" he leaned closer to you, "—I'm showing off to get into your pants." He leaned back in his chair. "But I'm not broke, I can assure you that."

You rolled your eyes and continued eating. Soon after, desert  came in and you'd fallen in love with the waiter, you hadn't even asked for anything but he came holding liquid gold.

"A beautiful desert, for a beautiful lady." The handsome male placed down a plate of two beautiful cakes with a side of ice cream in front of you.

"I might just propose to you."

Your eyes twinkled as you admired the beautifully plated cakes. The waiter laughed as he watched you.
Eren suddenly stood up and angrily pulled the waiter aside. You couldn't hear what he was saying but you could tell he was mad.

He walked back to the table alone, the waiter was no where to be seen.
"You know I was joking right?" You let out a small laugh and looked at him.

"I don't care... you're mine."

You looked at him in disbelief, was he trying to claim you as an object? Not on your watch.

"I've lost my appetite." You tidied up your side of the table and stood up, leaving a $50 bill on the table before walking away from Eren and out of the restaurant.
Yeah, you liked Eren but for him to try claiming you as his own when you're not even dating was completely outrageous.

As you stood outside you heard his footsteps, "[y/n], I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that," He came and kissed your neck from behind, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you—"

"—His eyes hungry as his looked down your dress...the incoming boner he had when you said you'd marry him."

He turned you around and deeply kissed your plump lips. "What can I do to make you forgive me?" He looked into your eyes with a desperate look on his face.

Pretty Princess | Eren Jeager x !FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now