Chapter 19

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The few day's later the Black Bulls were ready to go the underwater temple.

"Tonight's finally the night of the full moon. The mana deep within these water will weaken, so it's the only day we'll be to reach the under water temple. You guy's better be ready." Yami said.

"OOOOOHHH YEAAA, Just you wait under water temple!" Asta yelled excitedly

"Just you wait, magic stone!" Magna yelled

"Just you wait, unidentified seafood!" Charmy said.

"I wonder if they'll have something rare that I haven't tried yet." Vanesse said while rubbing two bottle on her cheek

"I wonder who I'll be able to fight. I can't wait!" Luck said.

"The sooner we go, the sooner we can go home, and the sooner I get to see Marie." Gauche said.

"And I get to go back flirting!" Finral said.

fat grey just growled. Then Izuku walked up to Noelle

"We're counting on you, Noelle." Izuku said.

"R-right..." Noelle said nervous.

"Are you okay are you nervous." Izuku said in worried

"H-Huh? I'm not nervous at all! Everything went fine yesterday!" Noelle said.

"Haha, you're so stiff. Wanna drink this so you can relax?" Vanessa said.

Then Magna appeared behind Izuku.

"Why would you offer her a drink, you lush!? Our lives are at stake here!!" Magna said.

"Well, if she's feeling pressured, it might not work out, no matter how good she is. Noelle, just take it easy. But if mess it up I'll kill you." Yami said with a scary look.

"UUUUHHH!" Noelle said.

"The pressure so intense!" Asta yelled.

"Honestly, what's with you people? I feel stupid for even being nervous in the first place. I mean, none of these guy's believe for a second that my magic will fail. " Noelle thought. "Okay than let's go!" Noelle said

Noelle started walking to the water, then her grimoire appears in front of her.

"Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle"

Then a Big water ball formed around the Black Bulls and the stared going under the water.

"You're doing great Noelle, but.....G-Grey." Izuku says

Grey was taking up the whole space and squishing everyone.

"Get of me, you big tub of lard!" Magna said.

"I think I want to kill you." Luck said.

"Turn in to someone smaller!" Finral said.

Then Grey transformed into Izuku

"WHY ME!!" Izuku said.

" Cause I never transformed as you before." Grey said.

Yami put his hand on Noelle head.

"Well done, Noelle. I'm counting on you to get us to the under water temple." Yami said.

"O-Of course." Noelle said." He praised me!" Noelle thought.

Then The black bull started to see the view.

"This is Awesome!" Asta said stars in his eyes

"Amazing" Izuku said in awe. "Eri, Mum, and my other friend's would of Love to see this" Izuku thought

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