Ayaka x Yoimiya 🌸

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Today is the festival..and i am so nervous!!!
i got all the fireworks finished with but i don't know if they're going to come out the way that i want! of course i've tested them but not all of them might work and what if i embarrass myself in front of that lovely girl!

i know what you're thinking, why don't you just give her some fireworks that you know are going to work?...i just can't! those are too simple. she's prettier than them..

i really like her..really like her..and i can't give her some boring old fireworks..

her name is ayaka and i am beyond in love. she's so pretty!! and gracefully soft spoken and so very kind..ohhh!! how am i going to give her these?!

After two hours the festival was fully locked and loaded. food stands everywhere. pretty lights, pretty clothes. children ran around with little toys that their parents bought for them from nick nak shops. Yoimiya stressed over this moment for weeks.

she even practiced lines she knew she'd forget. but with all the courage she had.. she walked over and sat on a bench the beautiful girl sat on.

"h- hey.." Y

Yoimiya basically whispered beet red at this point but the girl looked at her with a soft expression on her face.

"Hm? oh i think i know you...are you that firework girl?" A

Yoimiya blushed even more. starting to look like a firework herself.

"o- oh yeah! yeah i am! are you excited for this festivals fireworks..?" Y

"yes i am, i heard that they where going to be big this time since inazuma is openings it's arms to new comers..did you make anything special?" A

Yoimiya nodded.

"M- mhm i made it for..someone really special!!" Y

and like that the fireworks went off exploding into different animals and colors. different shapes and sizes. the blue hair girl looked so happy and amazed with child like wonder in her eyes.

"i uh..i made them for you...do you like them..?"Y

"for me?! archons what did i do to deserve this?! this is beautiful i love them!" A

Yoimiya smiled so big and got closer to her, putting her hand on her and looked into her eyes with hope.

"i have..a really big crush on you so willyoupleasegoonadatewithmeithinkyourereallyprettyandireallywanttobeyourgirlfriend!!" Y

She spat out in one big breath, sucking in the air only to throw it back out with Ayaka kissed her on the cheek.

"I'd love to." A

she smiled and Yoimiya officially turned into an apple but she laughed in happiness, together after that the two enjoyed the festival.

~🌸the end🌸~

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