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I head into the bathroom and strip, leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor. I search through the cabinets, knowing I would probably find some bath bombs and bath salts. I've only been at the Yas Viceroy one other time many years ago, but to my surprise the bath items I found last time were still available in the rooms. I turn on the tap and wait for the bath to fill up with warm water. I quickly grab my fancy shower gel and pour it into the water to make some bubbles. I like bubble baths after all.

When the water is ready, I turn off the tap and climb in. It's comfortable, and I'm instantly relaxed. I reach over and grab one of the bath bombs. Reading the label, it says it's orange scented. I smile and unwrap the bath bomb happily, gently plopping it down in the water. I swirl the bath bomb around until it fills the water with a wonderful shimmery orange color. Once I'm satisfied I lean back in the tub and enjoy the soak. I'll probably shower normally later to actually wash myself, but for right now I'm just enjoying myself.

As I bathe I reflect on the past week. A week ago things were calm, things were quiet. I was dating Lewis, and I hadn't seen Max in months. I was dating Lewis and we were, well, relatively, happy. I missed Max, and as I now reflect I realize I was sabotaging my relationship with Lewis. But he kept saying how he "got the girl" and was oddly protective over me. Even now I can't remember why I hadn't seen Max in so long. It wasn't because of Lewis, I knew that for sure.

I don't remember how long I had been in the bath, because when I zoned back in the water was cold. I sigh and drown the tub, grabbing the towel I used to shower last night to dry myself off. I honestly didn't feel much better. At least I had some time to reflect, which is always nice when going through a lot of quick changes. I didn't have my watch on me, so I wrapped the towel around myself and looked for a clock. The time read 3pm and I was surprised. Had I really spent 3 hours in the bath?

Nevertheless, I grabbed some new underwear and some comfortable lounge clothing. I grab my phone and curl up in the bed Max and I shared. I choose his side, trying to surround myself in something familiar. Not that the hotel room was unfamiliar, just that whatever faint Max scent that was lying around felt cozier than the lonely room. I open my phone and check Instagram. The F1 Instagram had posted Lewis's win and I scroll past it carefully. The next post was advertising the Championship Race here in Abu Dhabi. It showed a graphic of Lewis and Max and again I scrolled right past it.

I put my phone down in frustration. Time was going by way too damn slow, and I didn't have anything else to do. Open my phone back up, I open the Books app and search for something light to read. Nothing romantic, I don't need some reminders right now. I found a decently interesting one, something about space, and began to read. Hopefully this passes the time well enough until Max returns.

I wake up to the sound of someone coming through the door. I check the clock, it's a few minutes past midnight so I can only assume it's Max. He walks into my field of view and I can instantly tell something is wrong.

"Max?" I ask, sitting up. Max has his head down and is twitching slightly all over. I inhale sharply.

Max doesn't answer me, instead he just twitches and shakes. I'm scared now, he's not answering me and I don't know what's wrong with him. Suddenly he bursts into this terrible amalgamation of limbs and two heads. The heads lift and four pairs of eyes focus right on me. I gasp.

"Max?" I shout and the head of Max just laughs.

"You betrayed me," the other head speaks. It's Lewis, but his face is cruel and twisted. I'm speechless, and utterly terrified. I'm stuck to the bed, and the two-headed driver approaches.

"You're a cheater," the head of Max says and I try to hold back my tears.

"You're a gold digger, only wanting us for our skills and money," the head of Lewis adds. They are hovering over the bed now. Tears slip down my face on their own accord.

"Stop playing with our feelings, Victoria Horner!" the head of Max begins shouting.

"Stop playing with our feelings, Victoria Horner!" the head of Lewis repeats in the same shouting voice.

"Victoria Horner," Max and Lewis say together. My last name echoes around the room. It turns into a hiss, and I can feel it pound in my chest.

The two-headed driver reaches towards me and all I can do is scream-

"Victoria!" Max shouts and I'm sitting up suddenly wide awake.

I breathe quickly, near hyperventilating as Max drops his bag and rushes to my side. He presses a hand on my back and tries to soothe me to breathe slowly. I'm a complete mess though, the nightmare shaking me to my core. I turn into Max and sob in earnest. He just holds me and pats my back awkwardly as I choke in air.

"What happened Vickie? You were asleep but were trembling and begging someone not to touch you," Max sounds so utterly concerned it breaks my heart.

"Nightmare. Lewis. You," I'm barely able to choke out between sobs. Max tsks gently, starting to rub my back.

I calm down fairly quickly. I've never really had a nightmare like that before. The last one was when my dad died and I imagined everyone I loved following him. Max lifts my face and wipes away my tears with his thumbs. He smiles sadly at me, and I offer a watery smile back.

"You mentioned Hamilton, but me?" Max asks right away and I look away from his face.

"You grew more limbs and another head. The other head was Lewis, and you both began taunting me. Shouting at me, calling me a cheater and a gold digger," I try not to tear up again. Max sees my distress and immediately soothes me again. Max doesn't say anything in response, he just holds me as I calm myself down again.

"I tried doing something nice for myself, I took a bath," I say when I've calmed down again.

"Why are you so stressed Vickie?" Max asks sadly, and I just shake my head.

"God, only if I knew...." I say quietly, "What time is it anyway?"

"Around midnight," Max replies and I breathe in sharply.

"My dream... nightmare..." I reply to Max's confused expression.

"Do you think you'll be able to sleep?"

"I don't know, I hope so."

"I hope so too, I'm exhausted."

I smile slightly at that.

"I'm going to shower finally, try to get as comfortable as you can alright? I won't be long," Max says with a smile to match mine.

"Alright," I reply quietly. Max unpacks his bag and grabs some clothes to shower. Once he leaves and shuts the bathroom door, I pick up my silk pajamas and change. The water doesn't run for long, but Max doesn't emerge from the bathroom for a while. I would say I don't know what he's doing in there, but that would just be naive of me.

I'm about ready to fall asleep again when Max emerges, his hair damp. He smiles at the sight of me tucked up in his bed and climbs in next to me. Max kisses my forehead and I feel the most calm I ever have all day. Max holds my hand, but doesn't cradle me close to him. I'm okay with the small contact, I'll take any I can. I feel myself falling asleep, and after a few minutes as I'm moments away from slipping away Max says something I barely catch.

"I love you Victoria Horner, I hope I can make you mine," he whispers, and that is what soothes me as I fall asleep, blissfully dreamless.

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