Max's Home

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The Uber finally turns down my street and my house comes into view. Max tips the driver and we quickly get our luggage out of the truck. Max helps me with mine, assisting in lifting my heaviest bag out and away from the car. It's not that Max finds all people sketchy, but you never know with Uber drivers. Once we've made sure we have all of our things, the driver pulls away. I sigh and look at my house.

"Everything alright?" Max asks as I fumble around for my keys in my carry on.

"Yeah I'm alright," I reply. I move up towards the door and Max follows with the luggage. I unlock the door and prop it open so we can make as little trips as possible to get the luggage inside.

"You can just leave your stuff wherever," I say, "I'm going to take mine up to my room."

"Do you need help at all?" Max asks as I yank my suitcases up the staircase.

"Nah, I'm alright," I say a bit too quickly and my face turns red. I do not want Max to see my bedroom. It's one thing to share a hotel or a motorhome with him, it's a whole other thing to allow him into my bedroom. I don't want him getting any funny ideas and frankly I don't want him to see if Lewis left anything here.

Surprisingly I'm able to make it up the stairs and not fall. I open the door to my room and to my relief, there is nothing of Lewis's things hanging around. I drop my suitcases by my closet and sigh heavily. I need to get back down to Max, but my bed is looking really enticing. I fight the urge to lay down and rest and trudge back down to the living room.

Max is sitting on my couch and I have to pause for a moment. I could get used to that, honestly. But then flashes of Lewis in the same position (and a few compromising ones, yikes) floods to the forefront of my imagination and I have to stop myself before Lewis's abs turn into Max's. Max looks up when I descend the final steps.

"Off to my place then?" Max asks, standing up from his seat and putting his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah sure," I reply, "Need help with your things?"

"No I think I've got it," Max says and I grab my car keys from the small table by the door, "I can get my luggage in the trunk as long as you open it for me."

Max is smiling and I can't help but smile as well, it's contagious. I open the front door once again and shake my head, "You got it, but then you're driving as well."

"Fair trade," Max replies and passes by me holding the door open, he pauses to kiss me and my breath is taken away. He recovers quickly from the kiss, but I still have my eyes closed when Max shouts at me to open the trunk.

I quickly get outside and lock my door behind me then use my keys to automatically open the trunk of my car. Max makes exaggerated "oohs" and "aahs" at the trunk before hoisting his suitcases and carrying them into the back. Max shuts the trunk and holds out his hand for the keys.

I gladly hand him them and go around the side of the car to get into the passenger seat. Max climbs into the driver's side and puts in the key. Then we are off to his place, where I've never been. Max takes a familiar route to his house and I almost shout when we pass right by Lewis's place. I wonder if he's already home or not. I decide not to dwell on it forever, though, since we pull up at Max's less-than-humble abode. I gasp slightly and Max laughs.

"Big yeah?" Max says with amusement as he pulls into his driveway.

"Uh yeah," I laugh a bit awkwardly and climb out of the car. Max laughs in response and retrieves his luggage out of the trunk. He hands me my keys and I lock my car quickly.

He repeats what I did, dragging his luggage up into his room while I sit on his much nicer couch. I suddenly feel very very broke, despite my uncle paying for my house. Max is upstairs for considerably longer than I was, and I'm somewhat hesitant to go looking for him. If his house is anywhere near as big as it looked from the outside then I'm sure I'd get lost.

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