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After that Max and I silently agreed we were now "officially" dating. We wouldn't announce it and whenever either of us mentioned it we both agreed to keep it quiet for now. However, "for now" was a subjective term. Neither of us would post anything different on our Instagrams. Not that I posted much on mine, other than racing stuff.

Around Christmas, Checo and Max shot a video where they gave each other presents. Christian was there and gave me a look that said he knew something. I eventually confessed to Max and I "officially" dating and then my uncle informed me that his wife owed him 5 dollars. I mocked feeling offended and laughed behind the camera.

I was nearly in tears when both Max and Checo gave each other the same photograph of the 3 of us at Abu Dhabi. Christian gave me a tight side squeeze as the boys did the same. They finished the video and I went over to the boys.

"Funny coincidence you gave each other the same photograph," I laugh and discreetly take Max's hand.

"Yes well it's a good photo," Max replies, squeezing my hand slightly. Checo raises an eyebrow and looks at Max pointedly.

"Something you want to tell me mate?" Checo asks with full amusement in his voice.

"Keep it quiet will you?" I hush playfully as Max pulls me in. Nearly everyone who was here filming could probably guess what Max would say next.

"Yeah yeah we're dating, don't say you have a bet?" Max says a bit exasperatedly.

Checo looks at us guiltily and I groan. He tells us that it's only Pierre and Yuki and I calm slightly. Checo leaves and my uncle comes over and pointedly informs Max and I we will make an appearance at his Christmas party. We agree on a date to fly in and after Max walked away Christian jokingly made me swear to keep it PG in front of his kids.

So a few days later Max and I were Christmas shopping. The week leading up to Christmas was a blur of buying, wrapping, and packing for England. A few days before the 25th we flew out to my homeland. Suddenly being "home" was far too memory filled and when we arrived at my uncle's home I was in tears. Max and Christian comforted me while Geri made tea.

Eventually I was stable enough to enjoy all the decorations and the very sizable present pile under the tree. Max and I spent time with the kids before the very filling dinner. My uncle helped us get the luggage out of the car and slug it to the room we'd be staying in for the next few days. We said goodnight and Max and I fell into our now normal nightly routine.

It has felt like we've been dating for a lot longer than we actually have. It's weird sometimes to stop and think that I can actually and finally call Max mine. My boyfriend, my lover, my whatever we're calling our relationship. We're together, but really nothing has changed. Yet it feels totally different at the same time. I no longer have to feel full of dread and guilt every time I admit I love him, or kiss him, or even hold his hand.

I realize I'm staring off into space when Max comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and tap his hands rhythmically. He presses a kiss to my shoulder and then looks up at me in the mirror.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks gently, starting to sway us back and forth slowly.

"Just us," I say and mildly cringe at the sickly sweet tone my voice has taken on.

"What about us?" Max asks again, matching my tone with a wicked smile. I pinch the top of his left hand playfully.

"The fact that it's taken us this long to get together," I laugh, "And the fact I don't have to feel so guilty anymore."

Max nods and kisses my shoulder again. He gives me one final squeeze before allowing me to finish up my bathroom routine. I regard my reflection for a moment, a curious expression painted all over my face. I briefly wonder why Max left so suddenly. I finish up and when I step out of the en-suite bathroom Max is carefully examining a small box. I inhale sharply.

Max looks up immediately and smiles, "C'mere," he says softly.

"You're not gonna propose, are you Verstappen? I quite like my last name," I joke nervously. Max just shakes his head and beckons me over.

Max opens the box and just as I expect a ring is inside. He takes it out carefully and holds it up for me to see. The blue gem glints in the light from the bedside lamp. I watch Max's expression carefully as he twists the ring around to show off the sparkles. I can't help but be enthralled by the beautiful ring, and more importantly the style.

"I bought this ring the moment I realized I was in love with you Vickie," Max begins, lowering the ring into his open palm. "But you were eyeing Hamilton, and I didn't know if we'd ever have a chance. Then you dated him and that crushed me, but I still held hope. And I'm so glad I did."

"Max oh my god," I'm blubbering like an idiot, tears rolling down my face, "That's the sweetest thing ever. God I'm so glad you didn't give up on me because I don't know what I would do without you."

Max pulls me and kisses me for a long time. He steals my breath with every damn kiss and part of me hopes it never goes away. Then he pulls away and guides the ring gently onto my finger.

"This isn't a proposal, but it's a promise," Max whispers to me. I kiss him again, both my hands cradling his face. However I stop before we go too far, I don't need to have sex in my uncle's house.

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