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"Would you let me lead you even when you're blind?
In the darkness, in the middle of the night.
In the silence, when there's no one by your side.
Would you call in the name of love?"

In the name of love | Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix


"Finn help me get Jasper down!" I yelled.

I started to walk off towards the tree but I felt a strong grasp around my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"No Annabeth you stay here" Bellamy said pushing me behind him.

"Finn, Murphy climb up and get him down" Clarke spat.

As the boys were trying to cut through the vines I walked up to Clarke to make sure she was okay.

"Thank you for saving my life" she said.

"No problem Griffin" I replied.

Suddenly we heard a low growling noise.

"What was that?" Murphy asked.

"Jaguar" I whispered pointing towards the large animal.

"Bellamy gun!" Clarke yelled.

I watched as he reached for the side of his pants but was stunned with fear when he realised it wasn't there.

Two gun shots rang out from Well's direction.

"Bellamy watch out!" I screamed as the jaguar pounced at him.

Another three shots went off as I ran to Bellamy.

I ran over and pushed him out of the way. I grabbed my gun from my belt pocket and shot the wild cat in the head as it landed on top of me.

"And you said I couldn't aim" I spat turning my head around to Clarke.

"Someone get this thing off of me" I stated.

Bellamy got up and moved the Jaguar to the side then helped me up.

"Saving lives once again Woods" he smiled.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. I walked over to Finn and Murphy and help them get Jasper down.


We made the journey back to camp as Finn and Wells carried Jasper while Bellamy carried the now dead animal on his shoulders

Clarke was in front of the whole group while I stayed in the back.

"You okay?" Bellamy asked me gently.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay" I replied.

"Oh okay" he said softly then turned around to walk again.

As we walked back into the camp I felt like someone was watching me, watching us. I quickly looked behind me back saw nothing.

"Annabeth!?" Murphy yelled out.

I turned back to see him standing near the fire with other delinquents.

"You coming?!" He asked me.

I nodded and walked over still having the feeling we were being watched. Some kids cooked the Jaguar meat over the fire as Murphy took kids wristbands off.

"Bellamy what are you doing?" I asked him.

"What does it look like?" He smiled.

"It looks like you're taking delinquents wrist bands off for food" I replied.

Collide : Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now