3| Two Good Old 'Friends'

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    With every dusk, dawn followed. The sun scorched high and radiated it's light into the very room of Ashley's. She presumed her curtains were closed, unaware of her fiancé who had unveiled them.

Dominic watched Ashley groan in annoyance and pull the sheets over her head, concealing  herself away from the brightness.

Still buttoning his shirt up, Dominic walked to the side of her bed, pulling the sheets away from her. The sheets did not reach far, realizing that she was pulling them too.

"What is it!?" She growled in annoyance, surprising him by the harshness of her tone. He remembered she was not a morning person.

"Don't you have work?" Dominic inquired, stepping away from the bed slowly and reaching for his tie over the chair.

Abruptly, Ashley jolted upwards, startling him a little by the sudden action. She held a look of perplexity, surprised that he was there, he wondered if perhaps she preferred him sleeping in the guest room, it was stupid of him to have not asked.

Dominic stood in front of her in his straightly ironed black office suit, his tie knotted neatly and his hair combed nicely, his hands fixed the hem of his wrists. He looked absolutely ravishing to her, even though he awkwardly rocked back and forth in his white socks.

"Thought it was a dream", she grinned crawling towards him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "You arrived yesterday and you're already going for job interviews?"

"Staying home makes me", he looked around carelessly, "feel uninspired".

Dominic released himself from her, standing in front of her with his arms wide open. "Do I look presentable enough?"

"He will hire you either way, won't he?" She sat back down, crossing her legs ahead of her as she stared up at him.

"No, he can't just hire me. He takes his work very seriously." He shifted his tie around his neck once more. "Dr. Hail, would you do that?" He grinned over at her, watching her return the expression.

Ashley took pride in her job more than anything, most especially that she was the first surgeon in her whole family. She was well known and identified, her name blowing like a horn in the city.

"Of course not, Mr Lucas", she watched him step closer to her, lowering his head to his face. She turned her head to the left, knowing he wanted to kiss her cheek, instead, Dominic pulled her chin back and kissed her on the lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth, surprising her completely.

Ashley jolted back, as if he were a sudden stranger. "I didn't even clean my mouth yet Dominic, morning breath", she scolded holding her hands over her mouth.

"And yet you still taste better every time I kiss you", he kissed her cheek, his words causing the zoo of animals in her to break loose.

"I'll be going now. I think I'll be back by afternoon. Should I pick you up at the hospital on my way? There's a few things we need to discuss, plus I'll be moving out to".

"You're moving out? Why?" She furrowed her brows. He had just been with her for a day and she was already enjoying his company, sometimes, living alone in that house was rather lonesome.

"I possibly can't stay in your house, Ashley. Your family will probably think I'm a lazy bum or something", he shook his head. She smiled at his choice of word.

"We're getting married in a month, you'll move out of the flat in less than a month? You'll just be making a waste. Unlike your flats back in North America, ours here are quite expensive", she tried to reason, getting off her bed and reaching for her morning gown across the room.

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