The Story Ends Here

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Ashley's POV 🇬🇧;

I looked at the door, watching him stand there. He had a bandage around his head as well. Seemed like he just woke up because he was still wearing his patients uniform and was bare feet.

I lifted my eyes and looked up at his face. He was smiling. I hated seeing him smile because I loved seeing him smile. I hated the warm feeling it gave me inside even when I felt so much pain at the same time.

I looked at his eyes and they met mine. They were soft and looked tired. I quickly looked away, embarrassed that he caught me staring. I looked up at Ricky on my side. "Girl I can't believe you're pregnant. I'm so jealous, right Perez?" He chuckled holding Perez's hand as he stood next to him.

"We'll have one soon, too", Perez assured him. I had to admit, I was a bit envious. The way they looked at each other with so much love, you could tell just how much they loved each other.

It took me some time to get used to the fact that my ex high school boyfriend cheated on me with a boy, but then I accepted it. Though Perez want fully gay, he was bisexual. And he later admitted to me that he was also actually interested in me and Ricky in Dominic. The whole thing was messed up.

But it was surely something to smile about.

I looked back at the door way, it was empty. He left. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"You're not going back to him are you? We know what he did. It's best you just avoid him and make up your mind for what you want. For now let's just go home together, mother and father will be so happy seeing you", Luke said softly, holding my hands in his.

I looked at my feet and nodded my head. I didn't want to go back to Dominic any time soon or ever. He didn't even show any remorse for what he did.

"But first, I'll need to go get my things from our house back in London. I don't care about the ones here", I spoke. My voice hoarse from how long I didn't speak and cried so much. But I was tired of crying now. Too tired. I was going to have a child and the fact that my baby made it was a blessing, so I had to focus on him... or her.

"My legs", I said after a short while of staring intently at them. They were released from the cast earlier and fortunately I didn't have any injuries externally, though the doctor told me that internally I broke some bones, luckily it wasn't too serious so I was able to get that fixed in the ER. Still, something didn't feel right.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked.

"I'm trying to move them but I-I can't feel them and nothing is happening", I tried to relax myself. Maybe I was just still weak? Maybe I needed to rest more?

"Perez, can you please help me up?"

"Didn't the doctor say that you should wait for him first?" Ricky asked with concern. I nodded my head quickly.

"There's already a doctor in the room". Ricky held my hands high, trying to help me up. I moved my hips towards him, my legs moved a little as well, following my body. My feet touched the cold floor, sending a cold shiver down my spine. I was glad that at least my legs were still sensitive.

I took a deep breathe, Perez still holding my hands with caution. I stood up and before I could fully process what was happening, I found myself falling back down.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked me as I held onto Perez and Ricky. My legs were practically just swaying on the ground. I wanted to internally cry so much. What was happening to me? Why couldn't I feel my legs? They were just there.

"No, let's do that again", I said letting go of Ricky and Perez but falling to the ground immediately. I cleared my throat, looking up at them both as everyone just stared at me. I furrowed my brows in anger, it was enough already that I lost all my hair, I didn't want to stop walking.

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