7| No Secrets

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   After having breakfast with Dominic's parents, Ashley pleaded with the servants to let her wash the dishes instead, which they eventually let her do. She could not stand having to spend another minute with Dominic's mother, Margaret.

She felt most at ease making herself busy, that did not give her enough time to overthink and stress.

As she washed the dishes, she hummed to a song but shrieked after feeling arms wrap around her neck. Just like anyone, her first thought was an intruder who would strangle her, only to realize it had been her husband simply hugging her from the back. She realized so after feeling his cologne hit her nose.

"Aren't you supposed to be going for work? Just because you got married you shouldn't expect Mike to give you a day off", she scoffed with a smile, rinsing a mug.

"Yeah, Mike didn't give me a day off.... Instead, he gave me three".

"I'm sorry what?" She turned to face him, he stood there just as surprised as she was. Shrugging his shoulders at it.

"Mike gave me three days off. I couldn't agree obviously at first but he insisted, he said that it was his 'wedding gift' so that the newly weds could have some quality time", he grinned pouting his lips towards her, expecting a kiss.

Ashley pushed him back. "Quality time? Well we're definitely going to enjoy it, especially with your parents around".

"You don't want them around, do you?"

"Not exactly so", she tried to explain herself. "Your parents are not a problem, not at all. I just hoped that our first wedding nights wouldn't be of us making sure their blood pressures were stable ", she whispered the last sentence, finally washing the last dish in the sink and turning her full attention to him.

"They'll be leaving in a weeks time, I promise you they'll be gone before you know it", he raised his hands in the air.

"I just hope you don't think I don't like them or anything?" She inquired with worry. She most definitely did not hate Margaret, and it was no doubt either that she enjoyed Matthews' company. Instead, she just wanted a few more moments with Dominic... alone.

A little selfish now that she thought of it.

"No, I completely understand you", he reached for her, pulling her towards himself.

"You always do, don't you?" She smiled bringing her head forward to his, both closing their eyes for a kiss before a scoff from the door cut them.

"I was wondering why my son was talking so long", it was Margaret. She chuckled playfully, walking towards the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water for herself.

Ashley internally rolled her eyes. Dominic let go of her and walked to his mother, hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"I was just on my way".

"So what's for lunch Ashley?" Margaret asked.

Ashley forced a smile and laugh. "Actually, I don't think I'll be here, I'm going for work so the servants will probably handle that", Ashley watched Dominic nod at her every word in agreement.

"Nonsense, you're his wife for a reason. It's only logical that you prepare your husbands meals. When I married his father, I even quit my job as a waitress so that I could take care of the house", she said proudly.

Of course.

"No, mom, it's fine. Ashley is a doctor, she has to go and you can't just quit like you do as a waitress", her son explained.

She strongly wondered how someone like Margaret could birth and raise a son with polar opposite characteristics from hers.

"Well personally, that's not right. In fact, not just personally. This thing of you and your husband both going for work is not right. Wives should stay in the kitchen, that's how it's always been. Or maybe that's how it still is and Ashley here is just—"

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