chapter 2

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It is now Saturday, me and my dad are coming home after shopping for school supplies. We get home and i thank happy for the ride, my dad goes to a meeting and in an hour or two we and the avengers will hangout.
I go to my room and change into a comfy outfit, i lie down and take a nap. About an hour later my dad knocks on my door and lets me know his meeting is over. I get up, fix my hair and head to the main floor. When I get there i see nat, Steve, my dad, Bruce, Thor and Clint but i notice someone new, someone I've never met or heard of before.
"Hey guys! Who's that?" I say pointing to the brown haired boy.
"That, my son is Peter Parker he's new here."
"H-hey-he says awkwardly waving his hand.- I'm pe- spiderman, it's nice to meet you"
"Spiderman? I like that name, I'm y/n stark, Tony's son."
He looks at me confused and a little shocked.
"Mr stark you have a son?"
"It would appear so."
I laugh a little at peters reaction.
"You two will be going to the same school, Peter here will show you around, i already made sure you have all the same class schedule."
I feel a pit form in my stomach.. right.. school.. i try to not focus on that, I'm basically having an anxiety attack but I've gotten very good at hiding it.
We all talk for a while and decide to go to the couch and watch a film. Sitting next to me is nat and Peter. After about half an hour watching the film i fell asleep.
I look over to y/n and see he fell asleep, they look so cute.. what am I thinking? I mean they're cute but not in like that way.. right?? Yeah.. right.
the movie ended and most of the avengers went to their floors.
"Hey, tony- nat said- look at them they fell asleep cuddling how cute." She says with a grin.
"Okay calm down nat it's not like that peter isn't gay" tony said
"Uhum, but y/n is~~" nat says mocking him.
"Calm down tony nat is just messing with you." Steve says laughing.
They all head to their rooms and go to sleep.
I wake up on the couch hugging peter, my head still hasn't caught up because I was so sleepy so i continue hugging him for a second or two. Once i really wake up i quickly sit up.
"Hey..- i whisper- we fell asleep on the couch.." i say blushing.
Peter basically jumps up.
"Shit. Shitshitshit im so sorry, i gotta go my aunt may is going to loose her mind!-he whisper screams- um see you at school?"
"Sure, just be safe okay? And sorry for uh falling asleep on you haha"
Peter becomes a blushing mess as he realized the situation.
"Y-yea-he says with his cute stutter- I'm sorry too."
We stare at each other for what felt like minutes before he grabs his things and goes out through the window. I get to my bed and just lie there till i fall asleep

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