chapter 7

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I get to the basement, close the door and start working.
"Hey, ghost." I say to my own A.I i created a while ago.
"Hello, y/n."
"How about we start the project 's.m.a.r.t'?" I say with a grin on my face. The project 's.m.a.r.t' is what I'm gonna use to create my own stark intellectual glasses. Only I'm doing it with ghost.
"Sounds great."
"Okay, ghost? Is the server i sperated for this project available?"
"Yes. Server available, should i open it?"
"Yes please."
"Opening server.. server available for use."
"Great. Insert this drive into it, will u?"
"Inserting drive."
The drive goes into the server and all of my work appears before me in a holograph. I smile while i go over my work.
"Okay, ghost? Will this work for the project?" I show my favorite glasses, that my father gave me last year before he went on a dangerous mission.
"Yes. This will do."
"Great! -i say as i place the glasses on the machine that will transform it to my own intellectual glasses- start the s.m.a.r.t project."
" 's.m.a r.t project engaged. Now starting project."
I sit down and get a text from peter.
Spidey-boy: hey y/n! Just wanted to check on you after today. How are you?
Me: hey Pete. I'm fine don't worry, I'm used to people like him lmao. Thanks for checking in on me and for standing up for me today<3
Spidey-boy: np<3 and don't take him seriously ok? He's always been a dick. Plus, he's gonna come crawling back when he gets to know u more bc your awesome.
Me: thx Pete, your not so bad either ;)
Spidey-boy: 😁
I head up to get a monster and some snacks and come back to check on the project.
"Ghost? How is the project going?"
"Project 2.1% complete."
While waiting i start to desing my own suit.

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