IV: Capturing hearts

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I looked away from Sakura-chan's eyes. Her eyes were as beautiful as ever, but right now was not the time to focus on that. We had to defeat our enemy, this time it was our own sensei. I quickly jumped out of her arms, and had my kunai ready in my grasp.

Sakura-chan also had her kunai's ready. We had already lost sight of Kakashi-sensei, so we had to be extra careful. I heard a tree branch crack behind me, and turned my head faster than ever. I had to show sensei how much I have improved.

It was just a bunch of birds. For some reason, I hadn't heard them. I did the hand signs, and quickly called my shadow clones to help with spotting sensei.

Well, I guess it was un-necessary, since Sakura-chan had already figured it out. She punched the ground, and to my surprise, he actually was there preparing his plan.

I immediately attacked with a bunch of shadow clones and rasengans, but he dodged it all. I thought about this as a challenge, where we have to bring sensei down, but actually the goal was just to take the bells from him.

Then I got a genius idea!

That book he had was brand new, right?

So he didn't know the ending, am I right?

"Kakashi-sensei, I know the ending to that book!"


"You know, at the end, th-"

Kakashi-sensei blocked his ears. Well, I executed the rest of my plan, and at the end, we actually got the bells from him.

We went back to the village. Now that I really thought about it, it really was a windy day. Kakashi-sensei went ahead of us, and it was just the two of us again. I was unusually quiet. I just wanted to enjoy the moment, walking alone with Sakura-chan in silence.

Then she brought it up.

"You're being unusually quiet, you know?"

"Hey! Even I can be quiet sometimes, you know!"

"Well, that's new!"

Then she laughed. That kind of laugh again. The kind, that can make you fall head over heels in love with her. The kind, that captures your heart and warms it up. At least that's what I felt. I wished that that moment would last forever. I just smiled at her. It was all I could do. I had no idea what I was supposed to say, or how I was supposed to act.

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