Chapter 3 - The Scars Run Deep

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Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

F/hc - Favorite Halloween Costume

Location: The Creation City High School - The Gym

Date: October 31, 2014 - Halloween Night

Time: 7:30 PM


It's that time of the year again, where all the ghost and goblins come out to play tonight, otherwise known as Halloween and all the kids are trick-or-treating in the neighborhood while the high school students are enjoying their night at the Halloween Prom inside the gymnasium at the Creation City High School. Y/n L/n and Hello Kitty are already there having a good time here at the Prom with Y/n wearing a F/hc and Hello Kitty in her little witch outfit as they are doing a slow dance on the dance floor, ignoring all of the laughs and insults coming from the other students before the principal of the school, Neo Dracunyan announces the winner of the Halloween Prom King and Queen.

However, they are unaware the the school bully, otherwise known as Billy Mason and his goons up to no good as they placed a bucket on top of the catwalk filled with cat blood that they got after killed a few alley cats that is also tied to a rope them to pull to dump the cat blood on both Y/n and Hello Kitty to humiliate them after they rigged the votes to get them to win as Prom King and Queen of the Halloween School Prom.

Billy: Man, this is gonna be so hilarious once we dump the bucket of blood onto those two mouthless freaks. This is gonna be a hit on the internet once we post it on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and on Snapchat.

Larry: I know, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces once we dump the stuff on those mouthless turds.

Joe: I don't know, guys. I mean, what if the principal finds out that we are responsible for doing this kind of prank?

Billy: He's not gonna find out what we're gonna do.

Joe: You sure, Billy? I mean, Principal Neo Dracunyan really knows everything around in this school as well as all of the students, including us and he has eyes and ears everywhere. Not to mention that he really knows how to punish the students who doesn't follow the rules and he can really show no mercy to anyone that doesn't follow the rules in this school.

Larry: He's not wrong.

Billy: I don't give a f***, you guys. He's not gonna find out and we're gonna get away with this sick prank and we're gonna be famous on the internet.

Larry & Joe: T_T Whatever, dude.

Then after the song ended, Principal Neo Dracunyan came up to the stage to announce for the winner of who will be Halloween Prom King and Queen. 

Neo Dracunyan: Attention everyone! It is now time to announce the winner of the Halloween Prom King and Queen. Remember that anyone tries anything that will ruin this prom night, there will be consequences if anything happens at this school tonight. So be warned everyone, and now the winner of this year's Halloween Prom King and Queen are...Y/n L/n and Hello Kitty.

*Clapping and Cheering*

Y/n and Hello Kitty are both surprised that they both got picked to be Prom King and Queen tonight, even though that Y/n still thinks that something bad is about to happen as he and Hello Kitty walk up to the stage to claim their crowns as Halloween Prom King and Queen, but then Hello Kitty put a hand of his shoulder telling him that's it going to be okay as she kept her promise that is always there to support him no matter how bad this situation may be.

Speak No Evil|Hello Kitty (Hell On Kitty) x Male!Muted!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now