Chapter 4 - Blood is Thicker Than Water

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Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

N/n - Nickname

Location: Y/n's House - Uptown Creation City

Date: October 31, 2014 - Halloween Night

Time: 10:30 PM


After what happened back at the School Prom from one of Billy Mason's cruel pranks with the old cat blood bucket prank and being humiliated and laughed at by all of the students in the school gym while he and Hello Kitty were drench in cat blood that also ruined both of their Halloween costumes, Y/n immediately ran all the way back to his home crying himself a river of his own tears of sadness.

Even though that Hello Kitty tried to stop him from making the situation even more worse than it was back at the prom, but it pushed Y/n to far hard and he has already reached his breaking point of his own stress and he already started hyperventilating while gasping for air since he doesn't have a mouth to breathe with as he tries his best to calm down and breathe slow and steady through his nose before he starts acting suicidal again.

Then as he made back to his own house, he reached for his house keys in his pants pocket and unlocked it and went inside the house before closing it and locking it from behind. Y/n then slowly slumped down to the hard wooden floor and slowly breathed in and breathed out in order to calm himself down from everything that has happened to him tonight at the Halloween School Prom.

Hello Kitty has been teaching Y/n other kind of methods to calm down in order to avoid getting into another one of his fatal panic attacks or try to find things to kill himself with ever since that Hello Kitty managed to stop him from stabbing himself with the kitchen knife when he couldn't be able to eat his sandwich or drink his glass of water. Some methods that she taught him include, slowly breathing in and out, use a stress ball, listen to calm and tranquility music or meditate in a quiet room while playing zen music to calm down and Y/n thanked Hello Kitty for doing whatever she can to help him get over with his own problems.

Hello Kitty?

Y/n then realized that he ran away from Hello Kitty after she tried to stop him back at the Prom and he felt like he betrayed her trust as he cried harder knowing that he just broke her own heart after he ran away like that back at the Prom.

Then suddenly, Y/n heard a knock on the door as well as a soft, yet very creepy giggle that sounded like a young girl, which caused Y/n to get up and looked through the peephole on his front door to see a very familiar looking shadow with a pair of glowing orange-red eyes that caused Y/n to freak out and let out a muffled scream when he saw the knife in its hand.

???: Hello? N/n~ I know you're in there. Open the door...I got a surprise for you...*Giggles*

Y/n then slowly backed away from the front door and quietly walked up the stairs to get to his room to see if he can escape through his bedroom window before this serial killer that looks like his girlfriend, Hello Kitty.

Unfortunately, he suddenly hear the sound of jingling keys, meaning that the killer has a spare key to his house since he trusted Hello Kitty to have her own key to his house in case of an emergency. So Y/n quickly ran up the stairs and into his room to block it with his dresser before the killer got herself inside of his house.

He then hide himself in his bedroom closet and tries his best not to make a sound and stay as quiet as a mouse while trying not to have another panic attack that would get her attention.

Then suddenly the sound of the front door opening, meaning that the killer has entered his own home and then closes the door with a loud slam as she starts searching for Y/n around the house before heading inside the bedroom. She had a bit of a hard time to get through the door to Y/n's bedroom until she managed to push it out of the way with such superhuman strength, which made Y/n even more terrified as she started looking around his room to search for him.

Then as she walked to the bedroom closet door, Y/n closed his eyes for a moment before he heard the closet door slowly opened as he waited for something to happen, but nothing happened for a moment until he felt something soft that is stroking on his left cheek. However, Y/n refused to open his eyes cause he doesn't want to know the one who killed his beloved girlfriend, Hello Kitty.

???: Sweetie~ It's alright....I am not going to kill you. It's me, Hello Kitty~ I am not mad at you for running away back at the School Prom, I forgive you. So can you do me a favor and open your eyes for me so I can give the surprise I have for you. Please~

Y/n has a lot of questions flowing through his brain and he doesn't know if he can trust her, but if she is really the same Hello Kitty that he loved and care for that is always there to support him no matter what as he slowly opened his eyes to see the same glowing orange-red eyes right in front of his face as he backed away from her in fear to see what really happened to Hello Kitty.

She is already in her own original dress but the only difference about her is that her face actually has a mouth but its all jagged and covered in blood due to the fact that she used the sharp knife to carve herself a mouth like carving a pumpkins to make it into a jack-o-lantern and her eyes are bloodshot and are the color of orange red with the pupils being slit making it look like she was possessed by some sort of a powerful demon.

But then Hello Kitty now known as Hell on Kitty dropped the knife and slowly approached Y/n, but he backed up even more until he hit the wall behind him as he began to tense up and hyperventilate again.

However, Hell on Kitty hugged in a tight grip while purring softly to calm him down, unaware that she hid the chloroform soaked rag in her back pocket for her to put Y/n to sleep in order to begin phase 2 of her plan. 

Hell on Kitty: Shhhhhh~ it's ok, sweetie. Everything is gonna be alright. There is nothing to worry about. So I got something to make you feel a whole lot better.

Then without a second thought, she quickly brought the rag out of her pocket and put on Y/n's face as he started to struggle out of her grasp, but her grip is too strong for him to break out of as the effects of the chloroform have already got into his nasal passages and Y/n is about to go into a deep sleep with Hell on Kitty shushing him while singing a soothing lullaby to calm him down and now he's sleeping like a baby.

Hell on Kitty then picked up her boyfriend over her shoulder, picked up her knife and left Y/n's house to get to her basement at her house to begin phase 2 of her plan....

To Give Y/n a Happy Smile on his face that he always wanted....

End of Chapter Four

Speak No Evil|Hello Kitty (Hell On Kitty) x Male!Muted!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now