Chapter 1 - The Black Sheep Amongst the White Sheep

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Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

F/f - Favorite Food

F/d - Favorite Drink

F/s - Favorite Snack (Like a desert or snack cake or your favorite brand of chips)

Location: The Creation City High School - Downtown Creation City

Date: September 23, 2014

Time: 12:35 PM - Lunchtime


Once upon a time at the Creation City High School, there was once a bright young boy by the name of Y/n L/n with H/c colored hair and a pair of beautiful and colorful eyes, who was a new student here at this school with the dreams of becoming a doctor and a surgeon in the future and he is currently having lunch by himself outside of the school because no one in this school around him didn't want to sit with them because of one thing that makes him the black sheep amongst the white sheep.

The reason why Y/n different then everyone else here in the entire school...
Y/n has no mouth on his face....

After Y/n was brought into the world by his parents, he was born without a mouth, but for some strange reason he can still eat, drink and breath like a normal person, even brush his own teeth like he's some sort of cartoon character.

The only downside to this strange disability is that he can talk like a normal person and can only make muffled noises and whenever he gets into a state of panic or in a lot of stress, he will have a lot of trouble with breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping, which will cause Y/n to develop some dark, suicidal thought if he reaches to his breaking point when things go completely out of proportion.

The only way that Y/n is able to communicate with anyone around him is by writing a message on a white board that he always carries around him at all times. It may be a real pain for him to carry that white board to help him communicate with anyone around him. He can also earn how to do sign language if anyone is either deaf or mute as another way to communicate with someone.

Being the only guy without a mouth is the reason why Y/n doesn't have much friends and they would rather make fun of him for looking like some sort of freak.

Which is why Y/n is eating his own lunch all by himself that his own loving mother made for him, a tuna-fish sandwich, a bottle of F/d and his favorite, some F/f inside his own lunchbox.

He felt like there's no one in this entire school or even the entire city that is wiling to become friends with him just because he has no mouth on his face like everyone else.

Then suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder as he looked behind him to see a female white kitty cat dressed in blue overalls with a red shirt underneath, carrying a tray of her lunch with a tuna-fish sandwich, a cup of chocolate pudding, and a carton of milk and she has a happy expression on her face.

It also surprised Y/n that she doesn't have a mouth like him, which made him think that some sort of miracle has bestowed upon him.

Then the white cat girl sat next to him, which made him blush a bit of pink on his cheeks and she started doing some sign language that Y/n seems to understand what she is trying to say to him.

Cat Girl: Do you mind if I sit next to you?

Y/n then did some sign language to answer her question.

Y/n: Sure, I don't mind. I don't get a lot of friends here ever since I moved to this city and enrolled at this school because of my disability of having no mouth like everyone else.

Cat Girl: Really? I'm sorry to hear about that. I have the same problem myself, but my friends doesn't seem to mind about me having no mouth, but it's natural to me. What's your name?

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n and it's very nice to meet you.

Cat Girl: That's a cute name. My name is Hello Kitty and it's nice to meet you to, Y/n. What bring you to this school?

Y/n: Well, me and my parents moved here from Cherry Blossom City and I enrolled here to learn how to become a doctor and a surgeon so I can help people in the world since I was born without a mouth.

Hello Kitty: Really? That sounds like a good thing to help out people around he world. You wanna be friends?

Y/n: O_o Really? You want to be friends with me, even though I don't have a mouth like you?

Hello Kitty: Of course. I saw you sitting here all by yourself and I hate it that you don't have any friends to talk or laugh with because you don't have a mouth like me. So I thought maybe we can be friends together cause I felt bad for you and a guy like you should be respected like everyone else here at this school. What happens to you, I will always be there to help and support you no matter what.

Without a second thought, Y/n immediately hugged Hello Kitty, which she hugged him back and he cried tears of joy that he finally has someone that he can be friends with that cares for him and will support him.

Y/n then broke the hug and tried his best to make a smile on his mouthless face before replying back with his sign language.

Y/n: Thank you so much, Hello Kitty. I promise to be the best friend that you will ever have.

Hello Kitty: As will I. Wanna share a pudding cup with me?

Y/n: Sure. I got some F/s we can share with. Do you want some of that?

Hello Kitty: Sure why not?

And so, Y/n and Hello Kitty then had their lunch together with Hello Kitty got a bit of chocolate pudding on her face, which Y/n gently made a little happy smile on her face with his finger and Hello Kitty did the same thing to Y/n. The two of them then giggled at their reaction after they both have chocolate smiles on their mouthless faces.

After they both had their lunch together and spend some time together as friends by the end of the school day at the Creation City High School as Hello Kitty invited Y/n to her home and his parents agreed to stay with her for the night like some sort of sleepover. 

They both had a good time together on that night and after that, the two of them later blossomed into a very healthy relationship as they both support and cared for each other as they both been thinking of being happily married in the future and maybe have kids of their own.

However, the two of them may be together as a loving couple, but not all stories like this have happy endings when things go horribly wrong by the time of the Halloween School Prom Night comes around that will change their lives forever in the worst way possible.

End of Chapter One

Speak No Evil|Hello Kitty (Hell On Kitty) x Male!Muted!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now