Chapter 2 - Panic Attacks

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Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

Location: Hello Kitty's House - Uptown Creation City 

Date: October 17, 2014

Time: 12:25 Pam


Its been a few weeks since both Y/n and Hello Kitty became a couple during the lunch hour on Y/n's first day at Creation City High School and things have been going rather smoothly after they became a couple together.

However, there have been some up and downs for the two of them as they were constantly made fun of them for being called a couple of mouthless freaks that happened almost every day of the week, both inside and outside of school.

But, the two of them did their very best to ignore their cruel and selfish pranks and insults until the end of the school day.

Today, Hello Kitty invited Y/n over for lunch at her house and she is making their favorite, tuna fish sandwiches with a glass of water. It was Saturday today and they didn't have to go to school today to deal with another one of the students own series of cruel pranks and insults until Monday.

Y/n takes up most of the pranks they pull, which almost got him really stressed out until he reaches his breaking point and when he gets too stressed, he goes into one of his fatal panic attacks.

Through his medical records from the hospital, it shows that when Y/n gets too stressed out and goes into a panicked state, he is unable to eat, drink or even breath out of his non-existent mouth and if he doesn't calm down and relax, he will start having some dark and suicidal thoughts to the point of killing himself with anything he can find that will kill him.

Then as Hello Kitty brought out their food and sat at the dining room table together, Hello Kitty started eating her tuna fish sandwich while Y/n just stared down at his sandwich for a moment until he looked up at Hello Kitty to see her having a worried expression on her face.

She then put down her sandwich before talking to Y/n through sign language.

Hello Kitty: What's the matter, Y/n. Something wrong about your tuna-fish sandwich?

Y/n: No. It's not that, hon. It's just about all of the bad pranks the students pulled back at the school. I just don't know why would they do that to us. We did nothing to them just because we have no mouths. Even the deer clown named Mime made fun of us because he's mute.

Hello Kitty: I know, honey, but there nothing to worry about. Once we graduate from high school and get our diploma and earn our degree at college, we'll be finally free from those troublemakers. We just got to be patient that's all.

Y/n: True, but you know that the Halloween Prom is coming soon and I just know that something bad is going to happen if we both become Prom King and Queen and they're definitely gonna pull a real sick and twisted prank that will humiliate us both for the rest of our lives.

Hello Kitty: I understand what you mean, hon. But I made a promise to you that I will always help and support you no matter what happens to you and me. If those guys ever pull something like that to us at the prom, I swear I will take matters into my own hands to teach them a lesson that they will never ever forget.

Y/n: You sure about that, Kitty?

Hello Kitty: Of course, Y/n. Now just relax and eat your sandwich and maybe we can watch a movie to help us forget about the bad stuff that those mean bullies did to us at school. Does that sound okay, hon?

Speak No Evil|Hello Kitty (Hell On Kitty) x Male!Muted!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now