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Real Life

"I'm just saying, we should totally go get smashed on your birthday."

Phoebe laughed at Kit as the two wandered aimlessly around the sets, arms linked, watching their friends do amazing at their job.

"Kit, just cause i'm going to be 18 doesn't mean i want to get shit-faced." 

"okay, that's fair, what would you like to do?" 

"i don't know, get some people together and just have some fun." 

"so... a party?"

"i mean i guess but-" 

"- don't over do it with the alcohol, i heard you." 

"no i was going to say just a few people, like, the cast for example, some of your friends can come, but no one too exotic."

"no Tyler, got it."

Phoebe laughs hugging onto Kit's arm tighter in the sudden gust of wind, it was late April, she hadn't anticipated for heavy winds. Kit, noticing his best friends shivers, pulled his Truham blazer off and gave it to her. she looked at him and chuckled.

"does this officially make me part of the cast?"

"it officially makes you prop team's worst nightmare." 

"oh my god," phoebe laughed pulling the blazer on over her white top, "do you remember that play we did in year 8?" 

"the one where you whacked me round the head with my prop and I almost missed my cue?"

"in all fairness, you would've messed up worse if I hadn't have brought you it, the scene would've made no sense." 

"but you didn't have to hit me with the bloody thing!" 

the two joked between themselves till the wind turned to rain and they got called into a set to keep dry. the room was empty except for Joe, Bash and a few camera men. 

"oh hey Phoebe."

"hi Darren." she smiled at the crew who had got to know her quite well since she started to show up on weekends.

"you guys can just chill, the rain is too heavy for us to record." 

"right, thanks." Bash smiled as he sat cross legged on the carpet where Phoebe joined him putting her head on his lap looking over at Kit and Joe who seemed to be talking about another scene they'd be filming later in the day.

"you okay bee?" Sebastian asked stroking the knots out of her rain matted hair.

"i'm okay."

"you looking forward to your birthday?" 

"yeah i guess, i think Kit's planning something." 

"of course he is." Bash laughed drawing attention from Joe and Kit, the latter of which looked stoically, almost annoyed, at his best friend. 

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