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bashie added you to 'if only'

hi besties
what's all this?

gao-blimey - you added her?

is this like a bitch chat?
are you all talking shit about me?

yazzie - absolutely not
yazzie - this is about Kit

joelene - let's call it an intervention

about Kit?

bashie - yes bee.
bashie - we've heard some things

joelene - about last night

last night?

gao-blimey - Kit kissed you

oh yeah that

yazzie - how are you feeling bebe?

i mean
i guess i was expecting it

bashie - wait what?

i mean
i know i like him
but like
we've been friends for so long
and until yesterday i didn't know
he felt the same

yazzie - you didn't!?

joelene - i noticed it like
joelene - straight away
joelene - you remember that group chat?


joelene - then

gao-blimey - i think we've all noticed it

i didn't clearly

yazzie - that's okay!
yazzie - you can just tell him now


bashie - no?


joelene - why not?

i can't
i don't think i could risk it
i couldn't lose him
not him
look i've got to go.
i have a lesson

gao-blimey - well...
gao-blimey - that went well.

Bash's POV



hey mate
do you have a sec?

KotCinnir - uhh
KotCinnir - yeah sure
KotCinnir - i'm needed on set in 20

that's fine
we shouldn't be that long

KotCinnir- right
KotCinnir - what's up?

i have a question
about Phoebe

KotCinnir - okay?

you know her better than we do
so i was wondering
has she always been so

KotCinnir - oh
KotCinnir - has something happened?
KotCinnir - is she okay?

yeah yeah
she's good
i was just wondering
as like
she wrings her hands a lot
and like
Joe showed me a chat they had
a few weeks ago
and like she just seemed
i don't know
something seemed off

KotCinnir - oh right

i didn't want to stress her
cause obviously
her assessments and stuff
so i thought i'd ask you

KotCinnir - right
KotCinnir - she has a strong fear of abandonment
KotCinnir - she has these
KotCinnir - panic attacks
KotCinnir - she convinces herself
KotCinnir - people will leave her
KotCinnir - it's why she doesn't let people in much

what caused it?
do you know?

KotCinnir - i do
KotCinnir - but that's not my story to tell
KotCinnir - i've already told you too much
KotCinnir - but i understand why you want to know

cheers man

KotCinnir - just tell me
KotCinnir - if you think something's up

of course

KotCinnir - right
KotCinnir - cool

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