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JLo - hey
JLo - you probably haven't
JLo - but have you heard off Feb?
JLo - she isn't responding to us
JLo - i'm a bit worried


YumYum - sir
YumYum - i think it's finally got to pheebs
YumYum- she didn't show up today
YumYum- and isn't responding to any of us
YumYum- Joe's freaking out
YumYum - Yaz is upset
YumYum - Bash is trying to stay calm for Joe
YumYum - but i can tell he's just as if not more stressed
YumYum - i'm concerned too
YumYum - it's very unlike her to not come without telling us
YumYum - you know her
YumYum - i thought you might know a reason or something


B[as]h - Kit.
B[as]h - you told me to message if i was worried
B[as]h - well
B[as]h - now's that time
B[as]h - between Joe, Will, Yaz and I
B[as]h - we have been trying to contact Phoebe
B[as]h - and she's not responding 
B[as]h - i don't know what to do
B[as]h - i'm scared she's having a panic attack
B[as]h - but i can't remember how to get to hers 
B[as]h - and she won't want us all there anyway
B[as]h - as it's your day off can you go see her please?
B[as]h - you're her best friend
B[as]h - she need you.

Pops in Law

Ray - hiya son
Ray - just spoke with your mother
Ray - looking forward to seeing you all !

Mum <3

Maman - Ray, Peter and Phoebe are coming for dinner next week
Maman - you need to talk to her darling
Maman - it's hurting you just as much as i'm sure it's hurting her
Maman - i love you
Maman - speak soon
Maman - Mum


Buffay - i'm sorry
Buffay - i'm so sorry
Buffay - please come back


Real Life

"shit... shit shit shit."

Kit stared at his phone, heart beating fast in his chest. he needed to go. he needed to see her. 

but what could he do now? the train wouldn't get to Croydon for at least 2 hours...

"Kit darling," he looked up and saw Olivia looking at him, a slightly worried look on her face. "is everything okay?"

"oh uh, yeah... I'm okay." he reassured. 

"are you sure?" 

"yeah, i'm okay, thank you though, for asking i mean." 

Olivia watched as Kit cursed at his phone screen, curiosity got the better of her so she peered over at it to see what was wrong. she saw that he was unsuccessfully trying to ring 'Harty' while constantly checking the train schedule. 
she smiled at him and cleared her throat.

"are you trying to go home for the weekend?" 

Kit paused "...yeah." 

"i'm heading home now if you'd like a lift. it'll be quicker than the train." 

Kit stopped and look up at his co-star and paused unsure whether to accept her offer or not. 


"just accept, it'll be good for us to bond, besides, we're only an hour or so from Croydon." 

"are you sure? i mean, i don't want you to go out of your way..." 

"oh you are adorable, come on, you have someone to go see, yes?" 

"I- yeah, how did you...?" 

"I'm a mother Kit. we know these things." 

Kit smiled at Olivia as he stood up and followed her outside to the transport car, where they were both taken back to where Olivia was keeping her car during filming. the two got in the car and began the journey down the always busy M25 singing along jokingly to Queen and having general discussion -  acting like mother and son. 


an hour and ten minutes later they arrived outside his house, Kit still hadn't got a hold of Phoebe and was really beginning to stress now. last time she had a panic attack this long they had to send her to hospital, he was just hoping he'd get there before that point.

"here you go darling, just breathe and remember - everything will be fine." 

"yeah... thank you so much."

"you're very welcome. i'll see you soon."

as soon as he'd waved goodbye Kit began running to Phoebe's house, when he got to her door he went to the fake rock in her driveway and got the door key knowing she'd be the only one home at 1pm as Ray would be at work and Steve would be in London. he let himself in and called out to his best friend. 


Kit went upstairs and straight into Pheeb's room. he found her sitting on the floor hyperventilating, tears streaming down her face as she continued to struggle catching her breath. when he saw her... his heart broke.

did he cause this?

he didn't have time to worry about that now, he needed to calm her down. he sat down on the floor next to her and took her hand to his chest pulling her head to his shoulder at the same time while stroking her hair. 

"it's okay, you're okay, just copy me." 

he made his breathing really heavy to make the sensation stronger and easier for her to copy. this wasn't the first time they'd had to overcome a panic attack, so Kit knew exactly what to do for Phoebe to bring her back to the present moment. it took a lot of trail and error - too much if you ask Kit - but they finally got a technique that calms her down. 

after a few minutes of just breathing together, Kit felt Phoebe curl into him and begin sobbing. 

"shhh darling it's okay." 


"no, don't apologise." 

they stayed like that for another minute or so, Kit stroking her hair as Phoebe lay in his arms.  if he was honest, this was the most content and happy Kit had felt in weeks.

"Phoebe love, i think we need to talk." 

"not now. tomorrow." she mumbled, exhausted.


Kit moved them from the floor to Phoebe's bed, so that if she fell asleep she'd be comfortable. when they were on the bed, phoebe pulled him closer so she was hugging him tighter. 

"please don't go again..." 

Kit looked down at her guiltily. he kissed her forehead as her eyes closed and she gave into the exhaustion. 


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