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Real Life

when Phoebe woke up, it was dark outside. she rolled over trying to check the time, only to be pulled back into the position she was in previously.

she looked up and realised she was still wrapped up in her best friend's arms.

"i thought you went home?" she croaked, voice hoarse from crying and sleep.

"as if I'd leave you after that. no chance."

 Phoebe stayed quiet but curled into Kit a bit more.

"i'm sorry for being an arsehole." 

"you're forgiven." 

"am i? because i don't think i should be. god Pheeb, i was so scared yesterday and i feel so guilty, and i know if i'd have just spoke to you about the kiss like a normal person none of that would've happened... i am so, so sorry. i was just so scared you would just want to go back to how things were before-"

"well isn't that what you want?" Phoebe asked, confused. 

"god no! there's no way i could be your best friend after that." 


"no no that's not what i meant! i mean- shit. i love you Phoebe." 

"i loves you too."

"no, not loves you. i love you. i'm in love with you. i have been for ages but i never had the courage to do anything about it."

"wait what?" 

Phoebe sat up and looked at Kit, a puzzled expression on her face.

"i love yo-" 

"i heard you. i just- i thought... you just vanished for nearly three months. i thought you'd dropped me over some kiss that you regretted. i'm just a bit overwhelmed." 

"i'm so sorry." 

"i know, and i forgive you, and i love you too if that means anything but i think we need to talk right now, i need to know you're not going to leave again. communication, y'know." 

"of course it means something!" Kit smiled sitting up too, holding onto Phoebe's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I promise you, on my mum's life i am not going anywhere. these last few months have been so shit without you, and i know that's my fault and i promise to make it up to you from here on out." 

Phoebe smiled squeezing his hand back. she looked into his eyes and saw the overwhelming sincerity and love pouring from them. 

"well, if that's the case, when are you free to. go on a date Mr Connor?"



Insta Story 

Insta Story 

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