Sisters Stand Together

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Two weary-eyed traveling elves traveled down the beaten, dusty path of Stranglethorn. Humidity hung heavy in the air, clouds giving threatens of an incoming rain. "Sis, we there soon?" A silver-haired sister glanced to the side, grey eyes glinting.
"I don't know. You lost the map." The twin of the elf replied with friendly spite. Yet, her hair shown a beautiful raven black and eyes a dim lime. Their plate armor clattered at each step, totally mirrored to each other.

"Not my fault paper gets torn easily." The girl shrugged.

"Not my fault my twin is a scatterbrain."

"HEY. I'll have you know that if I wasn't around you'd be some Alliance's meal by now. Humans eat people right? I mean, they eat pig."

"Woah. Throwing insults out I see. I'm pretty sure they don't." A laugh escaped the green-eyed twin's mouth.
"I bet you an entire meal that they do. I'll get a Common-translator and everything!"

The road abruptly stopped, an Alliance fort to the left and a gaping maw... Almost a whirlwind before them. They exchanged glances of worry. "Uh..."

Shouting was heard behind the two. They whipped their heads back just in time to see an arrow whizz between them. "To arms, sister!" The silver haired sister yelled as she thundered down the road to engage combat with the attacking Alliance base. "Celo-- To your right!" The black haired sister shouted, throwing her Axe straight into the face of a charging dwarf. Celo glanced back at her sister with a cheeky grin, giving a thumbs up as she stood upon the fallen body of a human marksman.

"Nice shot, Cyril!" She cheered her sister on as she looted the two bodies of valuables. A healing tonic was found on the dwarf's body. Cyril jogged her way back to her axe, watching the surrounding areas. "Quick, there's a path beside the cliff! It's narrow but worth a shot!"

Alliance began to shout louder, knights rushing on their human horse steeds to find the two Horde women. Thankfully, they rushed to the narrow path to freedom. "Look there, the Gurubashi Arena! Let's go there, sis!" Excitement overflowed from the voice of Celo.

"How about no? We should be arriving to Booty Bay any moment now. We are running out of food and water and money."

"I see your point... I hate bartering with goblins..." She sighed. "fine. Let's move on."

They treaded on once again, a few gorillas leaping out at them. But this was no problem for them and their warrior skills.

They arrived a mountainside, with a large unhinged shark mouth perimetering a tunnel. Two goblin bouncers were stationed there. They arrived to Booty Bay!

"Bloodsail?" One of the armored goblins breathed out with bored annoyance.

"Nope!" The two replied, innocence coming over them.

"Free to go in."

The two treaded inside, glancing around at the fisherman-like decorations of the tunnel. Soon, they reached the city. A large harbor city, it was. Crawling with cutthroats and goblins and sneaks. This was home to the Blackwater Raiders. The city was littered with trash and seaweed from the Cataclysm's blast a few years ago. The city had about three stories of buildings, basically of any use. Some vacant houses, but most general vendor stores. They stepped down two flights of stairs into the main road of the goblin city. The water beside them was a tropical sea green. Absolutely astonishing.

"The inn is just up ahead. I'll meet you inside soon, I'm gonna find what's the word. You find us a room." Cyril smiled to her sister as she turned away.

Celo looked around, down to a line of fisherman. They all had full buckets of fish beside them. Looked like a tournament of some sort. She shrugged her curiosity off, stepping into the lively tavern. A wide variety of senses invaded her nose. Beer, musk, perfume. She could have sworn she could smell the greed of a goblin as well! She, before sitting, gazed around the room. Two hooded elves, a tauren and a large jungle troll with a wolf's head mask. Nothing dangerous. She thought as she found a seat.

((Hey! Writer here. Feel free to comment on anything! I'm always up to improve my story. I should mention that I do indeed play World of Warcraft, for years. I've made beautiful friends on my time there. I play on the realms Blackwater Raiders and Wyrmrest Accord. I hope everyone enjoys this! Also, my best friend is making her own story, which basically inspired me to write my own separate story too. Most of the cool stuff is in her story if you wanna check it out. Her name is Blueday25, with the story Centrian Felinrei. Thank you!))

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