2 - Old Friends, New Friends

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   A month has already flown by and Gellert has been slowly getting more comfortable with his new position at Hogwarts! Of course, he's still got a ways to go, but he's progressing nonetheless.

   After the school day finished, Albus was in his classroom, straightening up a few things when he was visited by one of his dearest friends.

   "Professor Dumbledore?" called Newt as he cracked the door, peeping through. Albus smiled, welcoming him in. "Newt! Come in, my boy!"

   Newt smiled, closing the door behind him. "Albus!" he cheered again, giving the man a big bear hug. "I've missed you, Newt! How was Antarctica?" Albus asked, leaning against his desk with his hands in his pockets. Newt was clearly very excited to talk about it. "Oh, it was amazing! Bit chilly though. I did get to find a particularly rare creature as well!" he beamed.

"That's fantastic!" Albus smiled. "And Tina?"

Newt blushed a bit. "She's back home, still on maternity leave. Not to worry, though! Queenie and Jacob are with her!" 

   Albus grinned like he's the proud father of Newt. "How are the babies? Congratulations, by the way! Please send Tina our best."

   Newt glanced down, smiling in thought of them. "Oh!" he remembered, reaching into his suitcase and pulling out a photo of Tina with the newborns, proudly showing Albus.

"Oh my goodness, Newt, they're beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!" Albus whined. Newt blushed, unable to take the smile off his face. "I can't wait to meet them." Albus spoke, already in love with the two little boys. "Well done, lad." The two embraced again. They were like family!

   Gellert walked in, clearing his throat when he saw them hugging. The two parted quickly, having been startled by the sudden interruption. They turned to see Gellert standing in the doorway. 

"Gellert! Newt's returned from his trip to Antarctica! He's also had a baby!"

"Twins!" Newt added.

   Gellert was unamused, tilting his head back to acknowledge the statements. Newt's excitement dimmed after that. He stood awkwardly once again, keeping close to Albus while he stored his photo back in his case. Silence.

   "Oh! Newt, I suspect we'll be seeing you at the Quidditch game tonight?" Albus asked, trying to lighten the mood. Newt smiled again. "Yes! Of course. I've got a bit of catching up to do beforehand, though, so I best be going. See ya, Albus!"

   Newt walked across the room, shyly saying goodbye to Gellert with a simple nod. Gellert just glared at the boy as he left. 

   Albus sighed, tilting his head to the side. "Jealous are we?"

Gellert moved his glare to him. "Never."

   Gellert walked over to Albus. "Are you going to the Quidditch game tonight?" he asked, but Gellert shook his head.

"It's not really my thing."

"But you've never been to a match. How do you know you won't like it?"

"I've got more important things to do.."

"Such as?"

"Things that don't concern you in the slightest."

Albus rolled his eyes. "You're moody today!"

Gellert scrunched his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest.

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