Back Behind Bars

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(3044 words)

Staring out the car window at the cement posts passing by, last nights occurrences keep distracting me from reality. I have made a huge mistake, and now I know that it's going to affect the rest of my life. I threw my freedom away, and everything else that came along with it; my home, my friends, everything. Videos have been spread of the fight I was part of, and now everyone was seeing the drunk and irresponsible side of me. How did I let this happen?
I squeeze my eyes shut and cover the side of my face with my hand so that the flashing cameras can't get any shots of me. I don't know what the consequences are going to be, but I know freedom wont be a thing in my life anymore, my parents have probably lost trust in me as I could have ruined the whole family's reputation. I continue to live inside my mind until we arrive at the large gates of the mansion.
My face is being prodded and pushed around while a woman covers up the cuts and bruises on my cheekbones, lip and forehead. I fiddle with the buttons on my suit while I wait for my mother. She walks around the corner from one of the many living rooms, but she looks nervous. My stomach drops as I prepare myself for the worst.
"Wilhelm," she sits down slowly in the cushioned chair across from me. "we have decided that we are going to send you to a boarding school. Hillerska boarding school, where your second cousin goes."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yell, bolting up from the seat and making the woman "fixing" my face jump back.
"Calm down, Wilhelm." she tries to touch my hand, but I pull away from her.
"Who is we? Because nobody asked me what I want to do!" I begin pacing back and forth, smacking my head repeatedly with my palms.
"Wilhelm, sit down! Now!" Everyone in the room looks at me, waiting for me to sit down. "We believe it is the best for you."
"You mean the best for the family? You don't even care about how I feel about it." I dont expect her to disagree, but it hurts when she doesn't say anything.
"We believe it is the best." she repeats. "You will have to say a speech, apologising for your behaviour and addressing the issue. You also have to announce that your father, myself AND you have decided to transfer you to Hillerska." I know there is going to be no way that I am ever going to live a 'normal' life, so I dont say anything and follow Erik, my father and my mother to the other living room, where there is a large camera set up.
"Excuse me," a man speaks from behind the camera, "could you two please swap places?" Erik and I jump up and swap quickly.
"You're on in 3, 2, 1."
I take a few deep breaths, "I would like to begin by addressing my behaviour. It was not only irresponsible, but irrational." I look up from my hands and at the camera. "No one is more disappointed in me than my family and myself. It is because of this, that I will be attending Hillerska boarding school to further my education."


Once again, I stare out the window reflecting on everything that has happened. A voice breaks my thoughts.
"Wilhelm?" Erik grabs my shoulder. "What's going on?" I shake his hand off my shoulder and redirect my gaze to out the window.
"You're going to have to stay mad at me then. I'm sorry, Wille, but I can't help you."
"I'm not mad at you," I spin around, "I'm just...thinking." I look up to see a huge building. Hillerska. Outside, there are photographers and August, who I have heard much about.
"Act happy, alright?" Erik pats me on the back before opening his door and sprinting towards August. They laugh and talk for a minute before he runs and retrieves my suitcase from the back of the car. I try to take my bag from August, but he doesn't let go.
"I can take my own luggage, thank you." He still doesn't let go. The photographers ask us three to stand in front of the school next to each other. I leave August with my bag and step inside with Erik beside me. The staff are all stood in a line, including some of the students. I wonder what it's going to be like having to live here. What if it's like hell? At the end of the hall, I see the Headmistress. She greets me with a wide smile and puts out her hand for me to shake it. Flashes blind me, so I turn around to find Erik, but the photographers ask to have more photos of the Headmistress and I.

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