The Burning

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August has told us that there is an emergency meeting while we were leaving from breakfast. He told us all to meet behind the furthest building in the school in half an hour. I have a bad feeling about this.


"Something bad has happened and all of us are at risk," he says quietly.
"What is it?" Sean replies, completely oblivious to the fact he is meant to be speaking quietly.
"Keep your fucking voice down," August hisses. "Alexander was caught with the pills yesterday." There's silence before everyone says "shit!".
"Has he said anything?" Hayde still looks like he was hit by a bus. I'm guessing he drank a little too much last night or took to many pills.
"No, not yet. But we need to put the blame on someone." August looks at everyone in the group, either waiting for someone to say who we should blame, or choosing which one of us he should blame.
"What about Simon?" August spits out.
"What? Why?" Why would we put someone completely innocent under the bus?
"Well, he was the one that sold us the drugs so it would make sense, right?" He raises his eyebrows at me, obviously because he knows Simon is my...friend.
"He sold you pills?" It isn't something I would have seen Simon doing...ever. Maybe he needed the money? I am trying to think of the positive side, if there is one.
"Why dont we blame it on Alex? He was the one that was found with the pills?" I say. It would make sense.
"Excuse me?" August seems offended.
"You think that you're the one that makes the decisions around here just because you have some royalty?" He spits...literally.
"Well you wont be making too many more decisions, will you?" I spit back...also literally. "You wont be here for much longer because mommy cant pay your intuition." That shuts him up.
"I think Alex is a good idea," he says quietly. "Does everyone else agree?" All of the guys in the group put their hand up in agreement.


I ask Simon to come over seeing as though its a Friday night, and he says he'll be here soon. I'm not mad at him because I'm sure there is a reasonable excuse as to why he was selling drugs.

I hear a small tap on my window, and all I can see is a couple of brown curls peeking over the window sill.
"Hey!" I whisper. I help him up so his foot doesn't get caught like mine usually does. I wind myself every single time.
"How are you?" I love his smile. Everything about him is so lovable and beautiful.
"I'm good," I stare into his smiling eyes and kiss him.
"You said you wanted to ask me something?" Shit, I forgot about that.
"Uh, yeah." I sit down on my bed, and Simon sits down next to me.
"What is it? Have I done something?"
"Did you sell August drugs?" I decide going straight to the point is more efficient rather than pussy-footing around the question. He stares at me, his face dropping.
"Yeah," his eyes look down at the floor, and as per usual his hands start to fidget. I pull them away from each other and hold his hands in mine.
"I'm not mad, I just want to know why?"
"August said that if I sold him booze for that party, he would let me to go to the party." So that adds up now, usually first years aren't allowed at the party (even though I was there).
" why the drugs?"
"August said he would tell the headmistress I "tried to sell him booze". So I had to give it to him so he could start paying me back for the booze." He still doesn't look at me, so I gently grab his chin and lift it up so he is forced to.
"I'm not mad, I just wanted to make sure you weren't a drug dealer." we both laugh and I see a tear slip down his cheek.
"What's wrong?" I cup his face in my hands.
"I was just nervous you would be mad at me," Simon says. "You make me happy." I now feel a tear running down my cheek and he laughs. He leans in and kisses me slowly, and i can taste his salty tears.
"You want to stay the night?" i ask between kisses, so it kind of comes out mumbled.
"Yes please," he leans on me. I fall back so that he's on top of me. I wrap my arms around his back, pulling him closer so our stomachs are touching. I tangle my fingers in his curls, sliding my hand further down his back.


Leaves crunch every time someone takes a step. There is a group of us walking to the lake, but Simon and i are lagging behind. My guards aren't with me because somehow i was allowed to go alone this time (maybe it's because there is a large group of us). No one behind us and barely anyone in front, i feel brave. I give Simon a quick kiss on the lips then look around to make sure no one saw. We both giggle and kiss again quickly.

When we get to the lake, everyone only stays for a couple of minutes because it's getting colder, but Simon and I stay longer for some time alone. We sit on a tall rock with our legs dangling over the side of it.
"I have something to ask you," i hold his hand. "Can i stay at your house tonight? Or maybe the whole weekend?"
"Why are you even asking? Just tell me you're coming, dont ask."
"Okay, well, Simon i am coming to your house to sleep in your bed with you tonight." He laughs at me and then sighs.
"I wish we didn't have to hide. It kind of sucks." We both stare out at the lake.
"Me too."


I step through the front door, and the smell of Mexican food hits me. It smells amazing.
"Hola mamá!" Simon hugs his mother then turns to me, "can Wilhelm stay the night?" Linda nods quickly and smiles at me. She doesn't say anything because she is taste testing her homemade tortilla's.

I follow him into his room, passing Sara's on the way. I wave at her and she waves back.
"So...this is my room." Simon holds his hand out to the room we're in, and i study it.
"What's your fishes names?" We both walk over to the large fish tank sitting on his desk with three fish swimming around, although one of them looks dead.
"One of their names are Olle," i begin sliding my arms around his waist making him forget what he is meant to be telling me. "The other ones name is Oski" he breathes heavily, trying his hardest to concentrate. His arms fold over mine. "And the other ones name is Felle." He spins around and kisses me. I slide my hands underneath his shirt and pull it off. My hands trace all the way along his back down to his belt. I begin to unbuckle it when he pulls away and runs over to his computer.
"What are you doing?" He clicks a few keys before shouting and gun shots are fired.
"So that they cant hear us," he looks proud of himself.
I pull him back in for a kiss, "does this turn you on?" We laugh.


I wake up to my phone being blown up with messages.
Is that you in the video?
Holy shit what have you done Wilhelm?
Is that you? this message follows with a link, and i press on it. The video is of me kissing Simon and putting my hand down his pants. You can't clearly see that it's me, but you can clearly tell it's Simon in the video when he rotates his head and you get a glance of his face. My heart begins to race. I get dressed, almost falling over, and grab my coat. I run out of the house while everyone else is still asleep.

Just as i am walking down the driveway, my phone begins to ring.
"Mom?" I wait for her to be yelling, but she's calm.
"Wilhelm, i am picking you up tomorrow. Be packed and ready. I love you." The call ends.

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