Reversed Circumstances

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(2990 words)

As I walk into the breakfast room, hungover from last night, Nils is being cheered for as he stands up on his chair.
"Who was it!" someone yells from the opposite end of the table.
"Madison," Nils smirks, "She went down on me." The room roars again with cheers before August turns to me.
"Your turn to stand up, Wille."
I frown, "What are you talking about?" I laugh nervously, making eye contact with Simon.
"Well, the boys and I," he looks around at his friends for backup, "we went looking for you after you ran away from the party last night with a girl." Again, everyone cheers and chants for me to stand up.
"I dont know what youre talking about, I didnt run off with a girl." I lie. Technically theyre right, but I ran off with a guy. Not in that way though.
"Sure you did, cmon!"August stands over me. I sink further into my seat, hoping something will save me from having to spill the truth; I would never hear the end of it.
"Calm down!" the housemaster bursts into the room, "I can here you guys from down the hall." Everyone becomes quiet and sits down in their chairs. I sigh, looking at Simon who sighs too.


As I stare down at my shoes and the pavement, Felice nudges me.
"Hey," she smiles, "how was your night last night?"
"Uh, it was alright." Although I have known her ever since I was little, our relationship still feels kind of weird. I have always guessed that she might have a crush on me, but I dont know. Maybe she is just weirdly touchy and nice.
"Good, good. So I heard you ran off with a girl last night?" I cant tell if she is asking or telling.
"Thats just a rumour, I just left the party because it was getting hectic." I remain looking down at my converse and I hear her sigh maybe with relief. She goes to say something, but August interrupts her.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, Felice?" As they stop to talk, I continue to walk. I dont take my eyes of the ground, causing me to run straight into someone.
"Shit, sorry." I look up to see Simon. We both laugh and start walking together.
"Why were you so drunk last night?" He asks. I dont know how to answer that.
"Alcohol?" I say sarcastically.
He pushes me, "ha-ha very funny." I feel like I have known Simon forever. Everything feels so right with him.


I help Simon by tying his boat to the port and reaching my hand out for him to pull him out.
"I should give you rowing lessons."
"Get off your high horse, Wille, youre not so good yourself." He grabs onto my hand. While helping him onto the port, August shakes my shoulder.
"Come with me." He says, tugging my arm. I follow him behind a crowd of trees.
"Seriously? Why are you talking to him?"
"August, what is your problem?" I yank my arm out of his hand. "Youre such a dickhead; if someone doesnt have blue blood you hate them?"
"Yeah, Wilhelm, yeah."
"Fuck you, hes my friend and guess what! He is a normal person and doesnt act like a stuck up little bitch like you!" I storm away from him back to the building.


I debate whether I am being a creep or not. I unlock my phone and go onto Instagram. Simon Eriksson. I scroll through his page for god knows how long. I smile at every one of the photos and I see a photo of him with his sister, Sara, from 2017. He doesnt look as happy, but he does. That doesnt make sense. My door bursts open and I jump up from my bed frantically.
"Holy shit, are you watching porn?" August jumps backwards. Before he can ask anymore, my phone rings.
"Give me that," he snatches the phone while answering it.
"Erik!" he yells, its August. I hear a faint voice on the other end of the line.
"Yeah, Ive been good. Yeah Wilhelm is fine, he just needs to learn when and where to watch porn!" He says punching my stomach playfully. He pisses me off.
"I wasnt watching porn!" I shout.
"Also, talk to Wille about his lack of motivation. Its becoming annoying." He hands me my phone back and smirks as he walks out the door.
"Erik, he is so annoying!" I groan.
"Give him a rest! He is trying to help you and his dad killed himself not too long ago."
"Wait what?" I didnt know that.

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