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Taehyung pov

While hearing Jungkook story i felt sorry for him a angel like him shouldn't have that kind of childhood. "Thx for saying Jimin, Mind can you tell me what's your apartment address?".I said.

"Uhm at xxxxx complex xxx street, Room 609".Jimin said. "Alright thx".I said coldly. "What will you do V".He said intimidating me. "Nothing chill down".I replied back at hoseok. "Cmon bro me and hoseok know now tell us".Yoongi hyung said.

"Fine, I'll Help Jungkook a bit by maybe helping his mom survive brain tumor and she can live at New york at our penthouse she can stay there with mom and dad. "Wait you will help kookie pay for hospital bills and let her live at your house?". Jimin said excitedly and I just nod as a replied.

I looked at my watch its already 10 am in the morning im soo late so i quickly go upstairs and pick my gucci suit i have a client today.

"Bye just say to Jungkook that i got to work eh thx".I said hurriedly leave.

Jungkook Pov

I wake up im at my room the memory flashed back again i cant help but cry. After half an hour i stopped i go downstairs i felt so hungry i haven't eaten breakfast yet. "Jimin hyung where's Taetae?". I said sheepishly. "Oh kook your awake uhm Taehyung is at work here i prepared you your food i thought your hungry. "Thx hyung".I said to him with respect.

"Ahh Kookie I have something to tell you".Jimim hyung said while i hummed signalling him to continue. "Well you see i told taehyung your past..".Jimim hyung said. I chocked on my food while i heard that i dont want my childhood to be exposed in worst at my beloved crushie!

"Why did you tell him hyung you know-".My BestFriend cutted me off. "Looked kookie I explained it to Taehyung and he understands and he decided To help you and your mom at hospital bills look kookie your mom will be healthy again!". The older said to him.

"R-really he said that?".I said with glossy eyes was about to flow down. "Yes kookie he said it". The older Smiled.
Taehyung pov

"Ella!".I said. "Yes Mr Kim".she said with a devil smile. "Where's hyunjin i need to talk to him". I said looking at my laptop.
"Well Mr Kim Hyunjin its at his office I'll call him".She smiled fakely i nodded at her.

"Mr V! You call me what's up?".Hyunjin said i dont mind him calling me V.

"Here go at this location an lady here has a brain tumor i want you too take care of her and after she got treatment bring her to New york but tell me if she's ok or no she'll leave with my consent understood!".Hyunjin nodded and get a piece of paper. "Yes Mr V i will".He said and leave.

Third person pov.

It was already night and Taehyung is almost done at work he decided that He will come home early for his baby.
He arrived safely.

"Babyboy Daddy is home!".The tall guy said. "Daddy! You're home!".The smaller guy said and hug his beloved. "I have a gift from you baby!". The older said and handed his gift at the younger. Jungkook opened the gift and its a tiger hugging a bunny plushie. "Ahh omg this is so cute! Thx daddy I love you!!". Jungkook said.
"What did you say?". The older said.

"I-im sorry i didn't know i cant say it".The younger looked down with shed of tears felled down. "Hey baby I didn't said you cant hmm, I love you too my love!". The older said. "Really you loved me?". Jungkook looked up facing his older and he just nodded.

Hi so this is short well im busy🥹
Borahae 💜

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