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"Taehyungie I will go now!". Jungkook said finished his breakfast.

"Wait baby here's your bodyguard". Taehyung introduced the guy.

"My pleasure to meet you Mrs Kim".The body guard bowed at him.

"Same here sir what's your name?". Jungkook blushed lightly.

"Lee Eunwoo Mrs Kim".The bodyguard said professionaly.

"Tsk that's enough Eunwoo take care of my baby doll".Eunwoo nodded and they leave.

"Hyung where's that asshole?". Taehyung called his Best friend.

"At Hq he's at the basement". Taehyung hunged up the phone and drove off.


"Class today we have a transferrie pls treat him nicely i warned you".The teacher said stuttering.

"Kindly go in".The Teacher smiled.

"Hi! Im Jeon Jungkook You can call me Kook Or Jungkook". Jungkook smiled at them.

"Yuck ugly name and face".A girl said I looked down embarrassed.

"Dont talk to Mrs Kim Like that".Eunwoo point a gun at the girl.

"Hey.. Eunwoo its fine just dont say it to Taehyung pls". Jungkook said with puppy eye.

"Sure Mrs Kim Anything for you".Eunwoo obeyed the younger's request.

"Uhm Jungkook You can sit beside Mark And uhm". Teacher said looking to find a spot at Eunwoo.

"No Thx Mrs/Ms I will just stand beside Mrs Kim Its my Job".Eunwoo said heading me too my seat I thank him and he just smiled.

"O-ok today we will gonna learn about matter. Does anyone know the description of matter?". Teacher asked.
The bell rang 🔔

"Oh class dismissed".Mrs Lopez smiled.

"Let's go Mrs Kim?". Eunwoo said packing my stuff at my bag and zipping it.

"Y-Yes Eunwoo Im kinda hungry aswell". Jungkook replied.

At cafeteria.

"Wait for me Mrs Kim What do you want to order?".Eunwoo said.

"Uhmm I want Fried Kimchi Rice And banana milk Eunwoo Thank you". Jungkook smiled as His body guard left him going to get food.

"Hi Pathetic Bitch!".A girl said pouring water over head of Jungkook as He gasped.

"What the hell". Jungkook stand up all wet his uniform.

"Oh sorry i didn't see you".The girl teases Jungkook and laugh.

"Who are you? Why are keep picking on me?". Jungkook said annoyed.

"Well Im Kim Jisoo (no hate though okay) Queen of this school i shall call".Jisoo said surrounding Jungkook with his minions.

Taehyung call eunwoo.

"Sir Kim What's your problem?".Eunwoo said.

"Nothing is My baby doll fine?". Taehyung said.

"Yes mrs kim is fine im just picking him some food".Eunwoo replied back.

"Okay I will come there well actually im outside". Taehyung said.

"Yes Sir Kim I will notify mrs kim".Eunwoo said and Taehyung hunged up.

"Soo Jungkook I didn't see your Bodyguard huh so i can do this". Jisoo slapped Jungkook hard in the face.

Mafia Boss (taekook ff)Where stories live. Discover now