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"Ohh no Kookie why are you limping!?".Jimin asked worriedly. "Hyungie I'm fine i just slipped at the bathroom and fell at my butt". Jungkook said rubbing his ass. "Aigoo why are you clumsy bub!".Hoseok said mentally face palming himself. "Im sorry Hoseokie Hyung". Jungkook said making a pout. "Aishh stob that your so cute!".Jin cooed at Jungkook. "Yah you two lets go we have our lesson!".Yoongi interupted the four who's cooing kook. "Oh okay hyung! Bye Bye to all Bye Taehyungie!". Jungkook said waving his hand. "Bye My bunny!". Taehyung said waving back with his smile. "Mr V you have a meeting". Jennie said touching V muscular arm. "Sure Jen What time though?". Taehyung said with his cold sheepish tone. "Ahm sir at-".Jennie got cut off. "Hey you whore dont take our taetae from our kookie!".Jin said slapping Jennie's hand at the muscular boy. "Im not Mr Jin Sir V Just asked what time is the meeting". Jennie said playing the victim. "Yah dont play the victim and dont flirt with my cousin!".Hoseok said angrily. "Stop that now tell me what time Your wasting my time?". Taehyung said with cold eyes and tone. "12nn sir i already arrange the restaurant". Jennie said smilling Taeh just nod. "But with who?". Taehyung added. "Mr Hyun". Jennie said smilling. "For sure im in the meeting right im V's right men?".Hoseok said liftyhis left brow. "Ofc Hobi hyung you are its a mafia meeting not our company one". Taehyung said directly. "Good! Im not letting this bitch trying to flirt with you cause you belong to Kookie only him get it?!".Hoseok said with his threatening eyes. "Ofc hyung haha be nice now i don't want my hobi sunshine becoming a devil!". Taehyung sait akwardly.

At Lunch Meeting 👀

"Good afternoon Mr Hyun I hope we're not late!".V said Coldly. "You are in time V take a sit let's ordered first shall we!".Mr Hyun said with polite words. "Hi sir/ maam may i know what's your order?".The waiter smiled. "Uhm JjaJangmYeom and water for me".Mr Hyun said. "Gamjachang for me and
Sundubu JJigae for my boyfriend!".Hoseok said. "Kongguksu and Tteokbokki for me and my assistant!".V said codly as his assistant blushed. Hoseok look at V with death glares. "Ok maam/sir your order will be serve in few minutes may i excuse myself!".The waiter bow and leave. "So Mr Hyun what's the meeting about?".V said. "Uhm well V I'd like you to arrange marriage with my daughter!".Mr Hyun Said. "Excuse me what!".Hoseok said chocking at his saliva. "Arrange marriage with V at my daughter Mr Jung!".Mr Hyun said smiling. "No, sorry Mr Hyun but my friend here is taken!".Yoongi said. "Huh to whom!?".Mr Hyun questioned. "You dont need to know my partner Mr Hyun have you tell this to my parents?".V asked with a poker face.

"Yes, They knew but uhm they didn't agree with it!".Mr Hyun said. "Then my parents already answered so a No!". Taehyung said slamming the table which cause all of the people notice him. "Sir calm down fan's might be fangirling you here!".Jennie said trying to calm down his boss.

"Omg!! V ohh may gawd can we take a pic pls!".A girl said yelling. "Marry me V pls omg your so hot!". Another girl said screaming! "Ahh V Be my boyfriend Im gay just for you!!".A boy said screaming!

"Fucking hell!".Hoseok said. "Omg! Hobi!!".A girl touch hoseok arms. "Sir let's go the limo is here". Jennie said looking at the three boys. "V! No wait pls!".A girl tripped and fell at V's muscular hands. "Are you okay?".V said codly. "Omg can we take a pic pls Im a top fan pls!". The girl said desperately. "V Let's go! The media is here fucking go!".Yoongi said. "Sure we can take a pic".The girl took a pic with Taehyung. "Thank you so much V Ahh!". The girl kiss V cheeks. "Sir let's go they're Storming us!".Jennie said picking up his boss things. "Yeah lets go!".B said coldly and start walking thru the crowd. "Excuse pls!".Yoongi said making some space with his boyfriend. "V Agust D we have some questions pls answer!".One of the reporter said. "We will not answer any of it dont bother us or I'll kill you merciless!".V shouted. "Jen where are you?". Taehyung said looking for his assistant. "Sir ouch here!". Jen said limping she sprained her ankle.

"Aish Lets go!".V carried Jen at the limo.
"Omg they're crazy gosh!!". Hoseok said sighing. "Are you okay?".V said making Jen sit down beside him. "No sir i sprained my ankle in the crowd". Jennie said holding his ankle. "Where did it hurt?". Taehyung said massaging Jennie's ankle. "Ouch there it hurts there sir!".Jennie said holding V shoulder and squeezing it. "Getting better Jen?"Taehyung said looking at her. "Yes sir". Jennie said. "We are here!".Hoseok said but Taehyung didn't heard it.

"Taehyungie!". Jungkook said and got his teary eyes. "Good?". Taehyung said.
"Yes sir im feeling better thank you!". Jennie said kissing his boss cheek.
"Doll I miss you!". Taehyung said hugging the younger but his lover push him. "I hate you!". Jungkook said running inside the company. "What doll what did I do!". Taehyung said confused. "He saw you with your assistant!".Hoseok shouted. "Shit shit I mess up!". Taehyung said following his baby.

"Doll wait I can explain bun pls!". Taehyung said back hugging the younger. "Tell me why! Do you hate me! Why did you buy me!? Do you only want me only for my body huh!". Jungkook said sobbing. "Babyboy shush! Its not like that okay!". Taehyung said still holding his lover. "Then what huh!". Jungkook said pushing the older. "Baby she sprained her ankle okay and media.some fan's of mine cause it!". Taehyung said worriedly at his baby. "Haha really you did that huh! What if they think she's your partner not me!". Jungkook said sobbing more. "Baby look if they did that rumor! Dont worry hun I'll introduce you!". Taehyung said crying aswell. "Juts not now cause i have lots of enemy surrounded us! I cant risk your life bun..I cant live without you!". Taehyung added and crying hard. "Your liying!". Jungkook shouted. "Im not princess i wont lie too you bun plss believe me! If they did that rumor Jen will be the one in danger not you!". Taehyung said shaking in fear.

"What's happening here?". Jin hyung said. "Princess pls believe me i wont do such a thing to break you!". Taehyung said trying to hug Jungkook."No! dont touch me!". Jungkook said yelling at the older. "Calm down both of you!".Jin said.

That's for today hun 💗 stay safe! Saranghae 💜

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