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Jungkook pov

I woke up because the sunlight hit my precious face I look beside its Taehyung he's beautiful and hot at the same time.The fuck Jungkook Your Gay side is kicking in again argh! I remember what we did last night I blushed lightly.

"Why are you blushing?". Taehyung said with deep voice argh hia voice is too pretty for me it's like a music in my ear it makes me blushed and calm my ass down.

"Hey baby answer me!".He said.
"N-no im not blushing uhmm Good morning!".I quickly replied back I hid my face because of embarrassment.

"Good morning".He said and kiss me i pull away that makeshift him look at me.
"Why dont like my kisses baby?".He questioned me. "N-no i-its just like my breath smell i haven't brush my teeth".I said looking at him while he frowned.
"I dont care im addicted to that lips baby that's my hmm only mine".He said in his mafia tone which cause me to shiver down to my spine he's caressing my hear while he said it.

"Yes only yours daddy, Now can you pick me up im sticky".I said with a pouty lips he nodded and carry me like a bridal style and we went to the restroom he put me gently at the tub. "Thank you!".I said he hummed and bathed him and me.

"Daddy i dont have a clothes to wear".I said and frowned. "Dont worry baby here you can borrow my that's kinda small to me so you can have it".I was shocked his closet is full of gucci and high branded stuffs. After I change my clothes we went downstairs where we found my Jiminiee hyung kissing yoongi hyung like a hungry kitten.

"Yuckk Jimin Hyung!".I said with a disgusted face. Taehyung just chuckle on my sudden cuteness he found.
"Ahh bro go get a room my baby is disgusted". Taehyung saud reffering to yoongi hyung with a chuckle.

Jimin hyung is shock so he pulled out and blushed in embarrassment.

"Yah you make my babe blush!".Hoseok said chuckling. "Stop that master!".Jimin hyung said hiding his face at yoongi hyung neck. Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi Hyung chuckled.

"Uhm daddy ill just go get water im kinda thirsty".I said and Taehyung nodded. I walk away from them to get and grabbed a water.

I have the water and i was about to go to the living when some interrogate me.

"Yahh who are what are you doing at Mr Kim's house!".The girl said I looked at her and i think she's mad i was about to say something but she cutt me off.

"I said who are you!".I flinched when she raised her voice its my first time having someone to shout out me i mean my dad did shout at me just because he's drunk but i never encountered this a strange woman shouting at me.

"Uhmm i-i a-am J-je-jeon J-Jung-kook".I said stuttering being scared of what will she said next. "Jeon Jungkook Your Father Is Jeon Soo-Jun? The Criminal who died in a car crash!?" She said at me back at those words a felt a stung at my heart memories flashing at my mind. I started crying no like sobbing.

She held my arms tightly and pulled me to the living room. "Mr kim look I found a criminal at your house!". She said pushing me and i fell at the floor.Traumas flashing back at my mind.
Taehyung pov

I was talking with yoonminseok and i was shocked at what i see.

"Ella what are you doing!".I said in a stern voice. "Mr kim look I found a criminal at your house!".Ella said pushing Jungkook at the floor. My baby is crying in mess i felt my heart broke into a million of pieces.

"Kookie!".Jimin run at Jungkook Hugging him while Jungkook wuickly hug back. "Hyungie Pls Lets go Dad Might Kill Me Pls!".Jungkook looked at his hyung. "Kookie your dad passed away 3 years ago".Jimin said confused and said. "Oh no! Kookie Does your memory flashed back?". Jimin said and my baby nodded. I looked back at Ella with fuming mad eyes.

"What did you do to him!".I said in a calm tone relaxing my temper. "Mr kim i just tell him that his father is a criminal!". Ella said straighten the point.
"You what! Do you know Jungkook suffer for that trauma why did you even said that and bring his past memories!". Jimin yelled at my secretary.
"I didn't know that im sorry jeez he should be fine gosh so drama".Ella said rolling his eyes.

I looked at Jungkook He covered his ears dont want to hear the shouting i approach my baby and hug him. "Its ok baby hmm everything will be fine". I said and carry him like a bridal style and we went up to his room.

After sometime Jungkook fell asleep his face is at my chest i gently put it down and went downstairs.Yes Ella leave in jealousy.

"Jimin I Think we need to talk".I said firmly. And he nodded. "So what do you mean by memories?".I question him.

"Well look Taeh Jungkook has a trauma that cause by his father. Jungkook always got beaten up by his dad and all the anger his dad has he put it all out at
jungkook one time Jungkook run away from his house and i found him at the street I decided I'll take care of him after he gots better then we became friends no actually best friends. His mom suffered from brain tumor for 2 and half month now he needs medication and yeah Jungkook tried to work but the koney he saved from his mother His dad steal it from him and kick him and his mother so they're at my apartment staying".Jimin said in a sad tone feeling bad at his Best Friend.

Im addicted at writing story at Wattpad it makes me calm down lmaoo! Anyways good afternoon did you eat lunch?

Saranghae 💜💜💜

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