26 (M)

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"Aish go you two might be late!".Mrs Jeon Kiss Jungkook cheeks and bid their goodbyes.

Taekook pov.
"Cmon love lets go". Taehyung scoffed. "Wait we need to go in line first hyung". Jungkook hug Taehyung. "No need love I owe this airport lets go and we have a private plane". Taehyung replied. "Oh okay then let's go". Jungkook smiled.
"Mr Kim V glad your flying again!".The pilot smiled and bowed. "Ah yes Mr Yin Im having a honeymoon with my wife". Taehyung replied with a small smile. "Oh congrats Mr Kim V".The pilot congratualate the couple. "Thanks Mr Yin how's your wife?". Taehyung asked. "She's doing well Mr Kim well next month is her due date!". The pilot chuckled. "Ahh that's great then I'll be an uncle huh!". Taehyung joked. "Ahh you can Mr Kim!". The pilot Joke. "Ahm can we go now?". Jungkook asked impatiently. "Ahh yes Mr Kim Buckle your belt we will take off now!".The pilot said going at the head of the plane.
"Bienvenue Monsieur Kim". (welcome Mr Kim) The butler said. "Ah merci Yuan". (Ah thank you Yuan) Taehyung Coldly said. "Je vais chercher les bagages Sir Kim".(I'll go get the luggage Sir Kim) The butler replied as Taehyung nod holding his wife's waist. "Qui est-il Monsieur V".(Who is he Mr V?)The Butler question as he get the luggage. "Ma femme Yuan, nous sommes ici pour notre lune de miel ". (My wife Yuan we are here for our Honeymoon) Taehyung replied smilling. "Ravi de vous rencontrer Mme Kim Im Yuan Im le majordome". (Nice to meet you Mr Kim Im Yuan the butler). Yuan Smiled. "What did he say hyung?". Jungkook shyly asked. "He said Nice to meet you and his name is Yuan". Taehyung replied back looking at his shy bunny. "Oh~~ Nice to meet you too Yuan!". Jungkook bow. "Oh Mr Kim, allons chez vous". (Oh Mr Kim Lets go to your house)Yuan smiled. "Bien sûr". (Sure) Taehyung smiled back.

They went it the house or should I say mansion and Yuan bid his bye and go to the kitchen.

"Love Can we do it now?". Taehyung whined like a baby. "No Hyung". Jungkook said annoyed. "But love look its a rock already !". Taehyung said fake crying. "Hyung what the!?". Jungkook got shocked. "Now plss!". Taehyung pleaded. "Okay sure hmm Just wait". Jungkook giggled naughtyly.
Taehyung is only now Wearing a boxer exposed hus bulge. As Jungkook wear the lingerie Jimin gave him and smield going outside as he notice his husband bulge and gulp.

 As Jungkook wear the lingerie Jimin gave him and smield going outside as he notice his husband bulge and gulp

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(This what it looks like.)

"Ahh baby come here". Taehyung whined impatiently. "Okay Coming daddy". Jungkook giggles and approach Taehyung and sit down at his bulge. "Ahh baby!". Taehyung groan. "Daddy should I suck you off?". Jungkook asked innocently. "If you want love". Taehyung groaned as Jungkook touch his rock bulge. Jungkook remove the boxer revealing Taehyung proud cock standing as it grew more. "Hmm". Jungkook lick the tip of Taeconda. "Ahh dont tease me you slut!". Taehyung moaned and hold Jungkook Hair and shoved his cock in. "Hmm". Jungkook moaned sending vibration to Taehyung who Drive more crazy. Jungkook bobbed his head fast and deeper giving him a deep throat no gag reflex. "Ahh baby faster Daddy is near". Jungkook obeyed and bobbes his head up and down faster as he can as Taehyung cummed at his mouth and gulped it not leaving a single semen behind. "Such a slut huh!". Taehyung smirk. "Only for daddy". Jungkook smirked back sucking Taehyung nipple. "Na ah babyboy Daddy is in charge". Taehyung grinned and hovered Jungkook.

Taehyung ripped the lingerie lower part sucking his husband hole. "Ahh daddy hmm". Jungkook moaned as Taehyung tounge went in his hole. "So pretty baby pretty hole love". Taehyung licked the hole for the last. "Daddy pls!". Jungkook whimper. "Please what babe?". Taehyung teased. "Pls fuck me until i cant walk for a whole year pls daddy put your cock in me!". Jungkook said desperately. "Oh your gonna regret saying that baby!". Taehyung smiled evily while stroking his dick.

Taehyung put his dick with no warning as The younger moaned loudly feeling ripped off by the bick thick cock his husband have. "Ahh daddy ngh move pls move merciless!". Jungkook moaned again as Taehyung thrust faster but deep. "Daddy more pls!". Jungkook said. "Ahh baby hold on hmm!". Taehyung said thrusting while licking the right nipple of Jungkook and thr right is rubbing with his thumb giving the younger lots of pleasure. "Daddy im Cumming!!!". Jungkook screamed as he cummed. "Hmm baby". Taehyung thrust more not feeling him near. "Ahh daddy stop im sensitive!". Jungkook moaned again warningly said to Taehyung. "I haven't cum love stay still!". Taehyung groaned as well as Jungkook.
Jungkook cumed 5 times as Taehyung cummed Only once. "Daddy enough pls!". Jungkook begged. "Sure baby don't worry okay". Taehyung said removing his cock and cleaning Kook who is sleeping Peacefully.

Lol I already warned yall this is wild so peace out shits!

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