work at the wreck

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i was in the waiting room at the hospital. my head was laying on pope half a sleep.

i was so tired and the same with everyone else. we had been at the hospital since 1am, and john b just came out of surgery about 2 hours ago.

we never were told why he had surgery but they said they had too. sarah was in the room waiting for him to wake.

no one had spoke since we arrived. the nurse had told us he had a concussion and broken wrist.we all nodded. a few hours had passed and john b was awake.

we decided to go home because me and kie needed some sleep before work in the morning.


me and kie were at the wreck working when john b, jj, and pope came in and sat down. "im staying at the camerons" he told the boys.

"im sorry youre staying where?" i questioned as i walked past the table. "im staying at wards house." he said again.

"so youre living with sarah cameron." kie said walking past with a tray of drinks. "okay look the only reason im living there is because her dad bailed me out right? and its way better than foster care which by the way is where i was about to go if ward" john b said as me and kie were serving people.

"okay so like do you have a membership to the clubs then?" pope asked cutting him off. "i dont know pope." he answered back. "what about those little golf carts they get to drive around? do you get one of them?" jj asked.

"does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to go buy one of those on your own?" pope asked.

"pope shut up" kie told him.

"look you promised." kiara said to john b. "you said you weren't with her." kie finished.

"bro just own it she got you." jj said. "look if you wanna hang out with her thats fine but im letting you know now im not doing anything with sarah cameron." i said. "do you guys see her here. no right a little focus, would be fantastic." he said annoyed.

they changed the subject and i went off to serve some other people because it was only me and kie working.

i walked over to the kitchen to get some drinks, pope had gotten up and followed me.

"good morning sunshine" he said jokingly. "do i really look that bad?" i smiled and looked at him before getting the drinks and taking the orders of the costumers. "no, you look beautiful." he smiled which caused me to blush and tuck a piece of hair behind my ears. "come help me cook pleaseee" i begged him.

he sighed "sure, what do you want me to make?" i gave him the order and smiled,

"making me work, the only day my dad lets me get off." he sighs. "thank you pope, you know i love you" i beamed while walking away.

"already put my boy pope to work makenzie?" jj questioned as i went by to drop of some fries.

"of course, but ill trade him for kie?" jj nodded and said deal.

"wow jj gonna replace me for pope?" she jokingly said with her hand over her heart. i grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back.

me and kie finally finished our shift a few hours after the boys had left.

"kie were gonna have to go explore with them now.." i tell her as we take off our uniforms.

"oh lord have mercy." she sighs as we both laugh.

"pope!" i said excited when i saw him at the château.

"makenzie!" he said back smiling.
"im so so happy to see you!" i said while giving him a hug.

"barf! stop acting like a couple." kie said as she walked past us.

"what?" i laughed along with pope.

"why are you being nice, makenzie? are you high?" he asked. "what?! can i not just be nice." i said as we walked into the château and sat on the couch around everyone else.

"no." "um.. no." "well,no." all the boys said.

i looked at them quickly, "okay well. fine im not gonna be nice anymore. pope im not happy to see you. john b your hat is ugly, and jj you stink take a shower." i say while having a straight face.

they all looked at me and laughed.

"okay whatever. when are we going to tannyhill?" kie asked. "later tonight. maybe tomorrow. im kinda tired.." john b said slowly.

"im hungry guys i think we should go get food." jj said out of no where causing everyone to laugh.

"lets go eat!" pope yelled causing everyone to follow him outside.

"lets take makenzies car!" they all yelled hopping in.

"oh, okay sure.. definitely wanted to drive!" i say sarcastically. kie took the keys from and started to the car.

john b sat in the passenger seat because he is the passenger princess, jj sat in the back behind john b to annoy him, i sat in the middle and pope on the other side of me.

i layed my head on popes shoulder. "i missed being close pope." i said quietly, "i missed this a lot." i told him again, no one could hear me except him over jj and john b's loud singing.

"i missed this too." he said quietly a few minutes after me. i gave him a small smile and we just laughed at the singing for the rest of the way.

a few more minutes of silence from me and pope had gone before i sat up and whispered over to jj.

"i wasnt gonna tell anyones this but i need to tell one person, when i first came to popes house, popes dad said something and i cant get it out of my head. he said something about him thinking me and pope were gonna fall in love? like it might be stupid but what did he mean?" i say know jj wouldnt know the answer but wanting to get it off my chest.

"dude hes been in love with you since the 4th grade. your blind if you cant notice that kenzie." jj says out loud making everyone look at us. i slapped his shoulder.

"oops sorry." he said quietly. "whos in love with kenzie?" kie asked. "literally everyone on figure 8." pope said quietly making me look at him.

"food thank the lord were here! im starving!" i yelled practically jumping out of the car once it came to a stop.

updated - 2/17/23
umm yeah so whos in love with kenzie?

word count- 1124

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