the runway

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pope and i did nothing all day until like 2pm.

we got a text in the group chat from John B. he wanted us to come over so we did.

pope and kie were talking about something while i was sitting on the edge of the hot tub talking to jj. "wheres john b? he texted all of us to come over and hes not even here?" i asked jj. "yeah, hes pullin a Houdini." he replied back which made me laugh. "speak of the devil," jj said as john b walked towards us. "hey!" i yelled at him. "dude i set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything." jj yelled. "no he did not! i did that!" pope yelled back. "hey. john b" kiara said. "hey." pope also said. "okay, thats it?" jj asked. "um,, whats all that about." i asked them. "i was gonna ask you the same thing." jj replied after getting out of the hot tub and then helping me.

we all walked in to see john b making so much noise and searching for something. "you alright man? whats up?" pope asked. "what are you looking for?" kie asked john b. "bro whats going on?" jj also asked. john b grabbed a gun from under the cushion on the couch. "john b, what do you need the gun for?" jj asked. "no just no!" i yelled at john b. "talk to us!" jj said while walking towards john b. john b pushed jj on the couch, "john b chill!" "what are you doing?" i asked him. "what are you jj now?" kiara asked. i gave her a glance. pope was trying to stop john b from leaving but he pushed pope into a table. "shit, are you okay?" kiara ran over to pope and asked him. "john b what the hell are you doing?" i went after him. he got onto a motorcycle and started it. "john b what the hell?!" i ran down the stairs after him. "ward knows about the gold." he yelled. "he killed my dad." john b said again. i stopped running after him and my face fell.

john b took off and kie ran after him. "john b!" she screamed. we all ran after them. "shit!" jj yelled. we all sat in the house worried for john b. i tried to call sarah multiple times but she didnt answer. we just waited for hours. it got dark outside. john b finally came back. "pope, kie? hello?" john b said while sobbing. everyone else had left except me. i wanted to make sure he was okay first. "john b.." i walked in to his room and i saw him holding a picture of his dad. i sat next to john b and i gave him a hug. john b cried in my arms for a while and i felt terrible. john b was my best friend and i didnt want him to suffer. i rubbed his back and did everything i could think of to make him feel a little better.

i dont really remember the rest of the night. i just remember john b the sunrise peaking through the living room window shining on my face. "john b?" i said while getting up and walking through the house to find him. i couldnt find him or anyone else anywhere. i left a note on the refrigerator and walked to my car. i drove back to popes house to get my stuff. "helloo?" i said. "oh my god! makenzie. where have you been." popes mom asked me. "hi mrs. heyward. ive been staying at john b's. i just came to get some clothes and then im going back!" i said to her and she gave me a frown. "okay then, be safe kenzie." she replied back. i got my stuff and started to drive back.

i saw wheezie crossing the street. i loved wheezie. she was like my little sister i never had. "hey wheez, where have you been?" i said while going by her. we had a small talk and i asked her if she wanted a ride to wherever she was going. she replied to me saying that she was going to rafes and i drove her to a beach house. "wanna come say hi?" she asked me with a smile. i could never say no to her and i think she knew that. we were walking up the stairs and she paused and looked at me "secretly i think he misses you." she said before walking up the stairs.

"hey rafe--" i said before and when he noticed it was me he hid his drugs. "relax we wont say anything." i told him. "what are you doing here?" he asked. "i just gave wheezie a ride and wanted to say hi." i replied. "im gonna go now though so, bye rafe. bye wheezie." i said while giving wheezie a hug. i got back into my car and drove back to john b's place.

"look, its not like i expected a happy ending or some shit." john b said. "why dont you expect a happy ending?" i asked while approaching jj, kie, and john b. "because ward took all the gold." kiara replied. "guys!" pope yelled while running down the dock. "oh! oh! oh god! i ran all the way here." he said out of breath. "you all right?" john b asked. "how was the information, pope?" i asked him. "dont ask." he replied. "JB. look im sorry dude, but-- but i dont have alot of time, and-- and i have information and its tactically relevant. so, before i had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip, to cut palms for camerons big plane. because it was to heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. so im there sitting in my interview thinking to myself, 'hm why would cameron need a longer airstrip to take off?'" pope said while john b sat up. "what could be so heavy to weigh it down?" pope said again, while me and jj passed a cigarette. "gold." jj replied. "thats right." kiara replied. "exactly!" pope said with excitement. "guys this is our chance but it leaves tonight. and we have to go." he said again. "guys think about this. ward tried to kill john b. he could hurt us." kiara brought up. "kie it will be fine. we cant give up now." jj said. "whats the plan JB?" i asked. "were gonna steal that shit back."

we all got into the van and john b drove us to the landing strip. we hopped out of the van and sat by the fence. "whats the plan? broad strokes." kiara asked. "i dont think we got that far." john b said. pope held binoculars "they are loading up the gold." pope said. john b grabbed the binoculars from him. "theres ward." he said. john b slowly looked down. "what? what?!" i asked him. "its sarah." he replied. "shes with him?" jj asked. "wait a minute. hes hurting her." john b said. "what?" everyone asked. "they are fighting." he replied back. "holy shit." i said while grabbing the binoculars from him.

john b got in the car and started it. i got in after him. "get out makenzie youre gonna get hurt." he said. "go now john b!" i yelled at him as everyone else tried to stop him. "dont be a hero dude!" jj yelled and me and john b broke the gate and drove to the run way. "hey.." sarah said in relief. "hey hey its gonna be okay." john b replied back. ward yelled at us to get off the runway but john b didnt. he pulled the breaks right in front of ward making him stop. "oh my god," i whispered as the plane almost hit us. i jumped out of the van and ran over to help sarah, john b following me. "sarah!" i yelled. "you trying to kill her?!" ward yelled at me and john b. "what are you trying to do. trying to get us killed?" he asked. "i need the gold!" john b yelled. "no! no! no! john b." sarah sobbed as she ran out of the plane and held him. "get away from him." ward said grabbing sarah. "no! dont touch her!" i yelled pushing ward away from her. "and dont tell me what to do." sarah replied.

sirens approached, getting louder and louder. "you think this changes anything? it doesnt." ward asked john b as i held sarah. "you gotta go! you gotta get out of here." sarah said to us. the sheriff pulled up. "oh! thank god you're here! susan, i told you he lost his goddamn mind." ward yelled. "put your hands on your head." she said. "id do what she said." ward says while looking at me and john b. she grabbed a gun and pointed it at him. sarah and moved by john b. "shes talkin to you ward." john b replied. he turned around. "your under the arrest for the murder of Big John Routledge." she said. sarah gasped and leaned into john b. "i got ya." john b whispered. "are you kidding me?" ward said. "put your hands on your head." sheriff said to him. "are you kidding me, sue?" he asked again but with anger this time. "put your hands on your head!" she yelled. "turn around." she said as ward put his hands on his head. "drop to your knees!" she yelled. "i dont like bein' used." she said as she pulled out her handcuffs. "i waited a long time for this." peterkin said as she put the cuff on his right wrist. ward pushed himself down in order to get away. "no!" sarah yelled as the sheriff pulled the gun out.

he held up his finger to shush makenzie. a bullet was fired. makenzie thornton had just been shot. she fell to the ground as sarah and john b's eyes filled with tears. rafe cameron stepped from behind the plane and saw not one but two bodies on the ground. the bullet had gone through, the sheriff into makenzie. "rafe no.." makenzie whimpered "rafe what did you do.." ward asked him. "i saved you dad." he said with a smile. makenzie layed there her eyes turning red from the silent tears. sarah crawled over to her. sobbing silently. john b just standing there. "its okay kenzie i will get you help." sarah whispered. "im really tired.." makenzie said barely being able to talk. her heart slowing down. "dont go to sleep makenzie." sarah sobbed more. makenzie looked at rafe and saw his face drop when realization set in. "i- i love-- ilove you.." makenzie said before her eyes closed and her heart beat stopped. sarahs quiet sobs became louder. she layed over her best friends dead body as her brother and father did nothing.


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