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the day had past and we did nothing except relax, surf and sleep. i mostly slept.

once it was time to go to tannyhill we were all wide awake. "kenzie get changed into something warm your gonna freeze." pope told me as he put on his shoes.

"eh im fine!" i told him.

the 5 of us went to explore and try to find the gold. i had no idea where we were but it was some sort of mountain.

"were in batter, right here." pope said pointing at the map. i put my head to look over his shoulder at the map, while kid looked over at us, and the map.

"so if this is parcel nine, then its somewhere northeast of here." pope finished and stood up. "so somewhere over there?" i pointed past the trees. "right." he agreed. "over there? guys that's not Tannyhill that's a subdivision." jj said while pointing to where i had previously pointed.

"Tannyhill plantation was the entire island. it got sold into smaller pieces over time." john b corrected jj. "okay so were looking for?" i asked. "were looking for a old stone wall." pope answered my question while looking at the map. we got back into the twinkie and started driving.

me, kiara and jj were talking before we got to loud and pope told us to shut up so he could tell john b the directions.

"okay, so the road should be spilt up here." pope told john b and he nodded. "all right you're gonna take a left," he continued and john b made a sharp left turn.

"that looks like a stone wall to me" jj said. john b stopped the car. and we all got out. "not the craine house." i said.

"are you kidding me?" kiara says while walking up to the gate. "worse case scenario." jj scoffed as he stood next to me and kie.

"why'd it have to be here" i said while looking over the gates. "of all places." i added. "i heard mrs crain buried her husbands head on the property." jj said while looking at pope. we all turned to look at him,

"jj, youre scaring the poor kid" i said while looking at pope's frightened face. we walked around the gates and continued to walk towards the house.

"look you guys know whos house this is.." kiara said as we all watched where we stepped. "oh yeah, no i do." jj replied with a straight face. "honestly i dont really believe the stories about this place" john b said. "why not?" i questioned as we continued to walk.

"shh." pope hushed me. "what?" i said with a glare. and kept walking. "which stories did you hear?" jj asked me which caused me to stop.

i looked at him and then continued to walk, "the one where she killed her husband with a axe." i said making sure pope and john b knew what they were getting us all into. "and that shes been holed up ever since." kie finished while walking infront of us. "on certin nights when the moon is full.. you can see her in the window!" i said with a fake scary voice.

"no kenzie its not funny. cuz its all true. i swear to god guys its all real i knew hollis." jj said while me and kie quickly walked away.

once the boys were far away they couldnt hear we were talking about kie stopped and turned to me. "makenzie i have a serious question and you cant lie okay." she said blankly and i gave her a confused look. "do you like- " she was cut off by the boys as the came rushing towards us.

"she was my babysitter man. she knew all about it. and she told me." jj said as they stopped by me and kie. "who was jj's baby-sitter?" i asked. "hollis crane." pope said answering my question. "she told me the truth.. about her mother." he finished.

me and kie's mouth opened wide as we looked at the house. "so as a kid she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father, and she was a murder and all. hollis didnt believe it, until that night." jj said as he looked at the ground and we all stared at him.

"what night?" john b asked. "it all came back to her. when hollis was six years old she heard her parents arguing downstairs. so she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink. full of blood. her mother just said that she cut her finger. the next morning she says her and her father had spilt up. but then hollis noticed something, her mother going into the parlor constantly. in and out in and out with plastic bags. weeks pass, and hollis decides to use the out house. and as shes using it she looks down and there in the outhouse, is her fathers head. looking straight back at her." he said.

"you're so full of shit jj." i said, "dude i swear to go" he replied back. "did she call the police?" pope asked.

"she didnt have time." jj said as jb started to walk away.

"we cant do this-- wait! dude!" pope was cut of by jj running after john b to stop him. "you sure you wanna do this?" jj asked. "shes a axe murder and you have a cast on." i reminded them.

"i dont give a shit if shes a axe murder okay? i got nothing to lose, right? you comin' or what?" he said looking at everyone. "come on" kie said lightly. i looked over at pope as he looked over at me. john b, kie and jj had already started to walk away. "come on we got nothing to lose." he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and we started to walk.

we all crept past the windows and hid in the grass. "hey come here. come here." john b whispered to us.

"so heres the plan we need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in denmarks letter." he said "okay like what kind of water? like pond water?" pope asked. "no-- it just said to look for water." john b said. "thats the shittiest secret message ever." kie replied and walked even closer to the house.

"you wanna complain a little more kie? nobody said this was gonna be easy." jb said back while scoffing. "ill search northeast quadrant, you search northwest." pope said to jj. "the decapitation quadrant?!" jj said.

we all went our own ways and so i snuck to the front of the house. i walked even closer as birds made noise ever so often scaring me a little. i walked to a window that was open and peeked inside. i saw no one and decided to go in.

i walked around to what was her living room and found a door that had blooding trailing out. "what the fuck." i whispered to myself. i convinced myself that i had to see so even if i died.

it would be one hell of a story for the pogues to tell their kids. i opened the door and heard talking, "dude i know seriously tiny vampire bats, just leave me alone." i sighed in relief.

"jj, are you down here?!" i said while going down the stairs to the basement. "makenzie? where were you?" jj asked while pope was tapping his foot on a floor bored. "up there" i pointed at the bloody stairs that stopped the blood line at the bottom.

pope started making some noise and we all ran over "hey hey pope shh" they all tried to say. "what did you find?" i asked and no reply. "pope, what did you find." i said again. "the water." he said and everyone rushed to open the floor planks. we moved the planks and looked inside the hole filled with water. "well well well." jj said.

"thats a good dad joke" i replied to him, "thanks makenzie--" he was cut off. "they built this part of the house right over it." kie said. "this is where she hid the bodies." jj replied.

"oh dude--" john b said. "oh stop-- no im dead serious-- stop" kie and jj went back and forth. "it was never a outhouse." he said. "she probably doesnt even know its here." kie replied. "we found water." pope said with a smile looking up at me. "were gonna need a really big rope." john b said in amazement while looking at the hole.


umm well well well!!

they found gold🤞

word count - 1452

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