Chapter twenty nine: White wedding

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In the morning Y/n and Ojiro were parted away from each other. Kazuki led Ojiro for preparations to one room, while Y/n was locked with Yume. Both of them were going through the same routine, getting ready for the wedding. Y/n looked at his reflection in the mirror.

-Am I really just a mafia leader or some prince getting married? - he asked his brother.

-That's a very good question. - Yume chuckled, adjusting the golden ornaments on the suit.

He was wearing a similar suit, but his outfit had less gold on it. Y/n was nervous. It was a big day and only now he understood what was happening. He tried to take a deep breath, but it didn't help much. He turned to his brother.

-I'm panicking. - he said. - What if he changes his mind? He's so out of my league.

-He won't change his mind, he is head over heels for you. - answered Yume.

-Are you sure? - Y/n kept asking.

-Are you joking right now? - Yume reverted. - Stop it or I will tell Ojiro about your doubts and you won't get laid any time soon.

-Alright, alright. - Y/n shut up and readjusted his tie. - I'm ready.

Little did he know that Ojiro went through similar episode, he just didn't let it show that much. He just asked Kazuki if he thought Y/n would change his mind. Kazuki chucked, gave him a 'no' and that was it. Soon they were supposed to go to the chapel.

-Come on, let's go. - said Kazuki.

Y/n was led to the altar from the right side, while Ojiro went out from the left. They smiled at each other as they were approaching the pastor. They stood in front of each other in their matching suits, while Kazuki and Yume were standing behind them. The chapel was full of members of the L/n family, the Platinum Dragon Tribe, other families and media included.The pastor cleared his throat before he spoke up.

-Dear all, we gathered here today to witness these two become husbands. - he said. - They went through a lot together, lot of things which tested their relationship. Now they are here, ready to proclaim their love, with you all and the God as the witnesses of that. Y/n, please say your vows.

Y/n took a deep breath and chuckled nervously. He took the ring meant for Ojiro in his hand. Then he took Ojiro's left hand in his, before he looked him in the eyes.

-I prepared the vows for this moment, but they feel so lame when I'm standing here in front of you. - Y/n looked at the guests, then back at Ojiro. - So unsuitable for the real thing. Ojiro, I want to promise you, that I will stand by you for as long as possible. I will do anything I can to make you happy. I want to thank you for your love, for yout trust and I promise you won't regret it. I never believed in a true love, to be proven wrong when I met you. With that being said I offer you this ring as a proof and reminder of my eternal love for you. - he said and slid the band on Ojiro's finger. - As much as I hate the rules, I will allow one in our relationship. Love between us is the only rule.

-Ojiro, your turn. - said the pastor.

-I didn't know how to prepare my vows.- he said. - I never bothered with such things, all that mattered was fullfiling my adoptive father's will. For a long time I shared his view on the world, until I met you. The confident to the point of being cocky man, being able to bend the surroundings to his will. You were a big problem to me. Then you brought light to my life and showed me things I never had a chance to experience. You made me see what I was missing on. Therefore the next thing I want do is to offer you this ring and I will do anything I can for this ring to stay on your finger. And I want this wedding band to be the only one you will ever need. - Ojiro put the wedding band on Y/n's finger as well.

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