We're all in Sir.

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Okay okay!! I'm back!!

Of course if you have not read the first the first book Cop VS Criminal then I thoroughly recommend you do so or this will not make sense!!

However I missed my Eyeball and Athena so they're back!!!

And damn... let me tell you now, you're gonna need your seatbelts on for this one... it's about to get real...

Much love my cobras
CLQuinn ❤️


Athena had never left the house so fast. With Max in tow she hopped in her cop car. He barked as she climbed in the front seat and sighed.

"Hey I feel bad leaving him in there too but you know what breakfast is like and he's off today so don't start with me." She half snapped at the dog as she started up the car.

Eyeball had the day off work that day and it was their unspoken deal that if one was off and the other had work then you had to deal with breakfast.

Athena rubbed her head slightly as she finally pulled up at the station, having that many children in the house was all well and good... when they were all asleep and she could finally get some sleep.

She jumped out the car and let Max out, he trotted by her side as even she couldn't be bothered to pick up his lead that trailed behind him.

"Damn K9! You look dead on your feet!"

Athena looked up, having just walked in as she saw McKenzie sat at the desk, offering her a small smile.

"My usual barkeep." She mumbled as she leant over the desk.

Mckenzie gave her a sympathetic smile as he offered her his coffee and a pack of painkillers. She tried to force a smile in return as she took two and chugged the coffee, ignoring the burning sensation down her throat.

"What's new?" She mumbled as she finally felt more awake.

McKenzie shrugged and sighed, "Not much really K9, oh boss wanted a word-"

Yet before he could continue their Sheriff's office door opened and he appeared in the doorway.

"Ahh K9 there you are." He spoke giving her a warm smile.

He gestured to Officer Jones walking past. "Jones, take over for McKenzie. Need you both in my office." And with that he disappeared again.

McKenzie gave Athena a confused look but allowed Jones to take his spot as he came around and gave Max a quick ruffle on his head.

The pair headed into the Sheriff's office as he had taken his place behind his desk, he greeted them with a warm smile and gestured to the seats.

The pair smiled somewhat confused still as they sat in front of him, Max took a seat himself between the pair as he felt Athena's hand rest on his head and gentle rub between his ears, causing his tail to wag against the carpeted floor.

"What's up boss? I thought you just wanted-" McKenzie started but was interrupted by the Sheriff holding his hand up, silencing him.

"I need two of my guys on this and you two seem to work well together." He spoke firmly.

Athena and McKenzie high fived as they turned back to their boss. The Sheriff rolled his eyes as he handed Athena a file. She accepted it and opened it up so McKenzie could see also.

A picture of a young looking boy was clipped to the top above a sheet full of information. The pair looked it over before looking back up at the Sheriff.

"Missing kid?" McKenzie asked confused as he quickly glanced back up at the Sheriff. "It's like two towns over."

The Sheriff suddenly produced 3 more files and handed them over to McKenzie.

"Four kids taken from there." He said solemnly as McKenzie flicked through all the files, showing Athena each time.

Each time a young boy or girl was reported by their parents and the cops seemed to have no leads or clue where they'd gone.

"Still a bit far for us to get involved boss..." Athena mumbled slightly, not wanting to question her boss.

The Sheriff then pulled an uncomfortable face as he produced 5 more files and offered them to his duo.

"Five more kids taken, the next town over..." His voice trailed off as Athena and McKenzie moved their current files to flick through these new ones.

"Same thing, cops have no leads?" Athena questioned as all the reports looked way too similar for her liking.

The Sheriff nodded solemnly.

"You think whoever is behind this is gonna come here?" McKenzie asked the question he hadn't wanted to but needed to.

The Sheriff was silent before nodding and looking at Athena.

"It's a possibility..."

Athena felt a pit of dread forming in her stomach as she thought immediately of Chris, Gordie, Vern, Teddy and her own children.

"As yet no children have been reported missing from Castle Rock," the Sheriff started. "But I want everyone aware and on high alert. You two are on the case if worse case scenario comes, Athena I hope this isn't too much to ask-"

Athena shook her head quickly. "If it was someone else's job to protect my children I'd want them to do it. I'm in."

McKenzie nodded quickly. "Agreed."

Max barked in between them as they all forced a smile.

"We're all in Sir." Athena said as she gently rubbed Max's head.

The Sheriff nodded and leant back in his seat. "Dismissed."

The pair gave him one final nod as they both gathered the files and got up to leave. McKenzie relieved Jones as he took his spot back on the desk, Athena jumped up and sat on the desk as the pair slowly began looking through the files.

"This can't be one person alone right?" She asked as she waved her hands over the multiple files everywhere.

McKenzie shook his head and looked them all over. "One person surely couldn't do all these? That's if they even are related."

Athena shook her head slowly. "No something tells me somethings wrong here, I got this gut feeling."

McKenzie tried to laugh. "That's called being a parent. You're paranoid."

Athena was silent as she looked down at the file in her hands. 13 year old girl taken from her own bedroom in the middle of the night, parents went to wake her the next day and she was just gone, window wide open, no clues, fingerprints or trace anywhere.

She shivered as her mind thought of her Kiara, only 3 months old and completely helpless. She almost jumped at the feeling of McKenzie's hand on her arm.

"Relax K9, they got you as a mum, Eyeball fucking Chambers as a dad, this terror as a dog," he pointed down at Max, "not to mention Jax can still give as good as before. And me as an uncle." He shrugged slightly and offered her a small smile. "If any kids getting taken in this town, it definitely ain't gonna be a Lachance-Chambers."

Athena forced a smile and nodded slowly. "Yeah I guess you're right."

McKenzie nodded slowly and then laughed. "Also probably wouldn't tell your husband about this case either."

Athena laughed and nodded in agreement. "Definitely not, he'd have the kids on lockdown in the house with cobras patrolling and dogs barking."

McKenzie laughed and nodded. "Fort Knox baby!"

The pair laughed as they joked about how much of a changed man Eyeball had become since he became a father.

Cop or Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now