First steps

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Chris and Gordie walked through their front door and instantly heard the familiar sounds of the cobras coming from the kitchen.

The kicked their shoes off at the door as their bags slid off the shoulders before they walked through.

Eyeball was standing over Denny as he held onto the boy's hands. Gordie and Chris instantly beamed to see Denny standing on his own two feet as he stumbled about attempting to walk.

Ace sat to the side, Kiara on his lap, still waving her spoon. Billy and Charlie kept swapping between holding Zachary and Flynn.

"Where's the nanny?" Chris asked as Gordie instantly sat on the floor in front of Denny and tried encouraging him to walk closer.

Eyeball and the others fell silent as they looked up at Charlie. Charlie looked uncomfortable under their gaze as he shuffled about with Flynn on his lap.

"She went home." Charlie mumbled.

Chris laughed and shook his head. "What did you do?"

Eyeball, Ace and Billy all choked back a laugh as Charlie shuffled on his seat again.


Chris and Gordie laughed as they shook their heads.

"As long as she comes back tomorrow, or Athena will have your head on a spike." Gordie mumbled as he refused to pull his eyes away from Denny.

"She'll come back, once I've gone to work anyway." Eyeball mumbled, thankful he started before Athena so he wouldn't have to see her.

Although after Charlie's failed attempt to kiss her, leading to the smack he got on the face, he would be surprised if she actually did want to come back.

Eyeball continued to try and help encourage Denny to walk towards Gordie as the rest all continued to encourage him along with words of love and support.

Denny continued to cling to his father's fingers right as he waddled and wobbled his way over towards Gordie and Chris, who had now sat at his side and was begging his nephew to come closer.

It took a while but Denny finally made it to Chris and Gordie as Gordie wrapped his arms around him. Eyeball let go as Gordie jumped up and everyone cheered.

Denny's face beamed as everyone seemed to be fussing over him. Eyeball quickly moved back and crouched down as Gordie placed Denny back down and let him hold onto his fingers as he encouraged his cousin to waddle back over to Eyeball.

It went back and forth as Denny only continued to fight to walk back and forth between Chris and Gordie and his dad.

McKenzie finally pulled back up outside Athena's and the pair sighed. It had been an incredibly long day at the station for them both as Athena looked down at the latest big pile of files on her lap.

They had compiled files on various known criminals and gangs that could potentially be capable of taking the children. Max and Jax began to whine as Athena groaned.

"Alright!" She half snapped at them before looking at McKenzie.

"See you tomorrow?" She offered up, trying to keep her eyes open.

"Can't wait." He mumbled in response, just as exhausted as her. "My love to the kids."

Athena leant over and gently kissed his cheek as she got out the car, holding the files in one arm. She let the dogs out and they trotted beside her as she walked up to the front door and waved McKenzie off.

She let out a huff as she walked in her house and heard the familiar loud noises of her house. It was always loud. She silently prayed for one quiet day as she kicked off her shoes and watched as the dogs rushed off into the kitchen to find what was causing the noise.

Ignoring them she slowly walked up the stairs and went into her room. Walking over to her side of the bed she placed the files down by her side and fell backwards, closing her eyes and groaning out as her tense back hit the soft mattress and blankets.

"What are you doing?"

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Eyeball standing in their doorway. Sighing she pulled herself up to sit up.

"I've had a long day, forgive me for wanting to lay down on my bed." She spoke sarcastically at him.

Eyeball looked down at the new pile of files by her side.

"I thought you didn't bring work home?" He questioned as he pointed down at it.

Athena sighed again as she leant forward and rested her arms on her legs, rubbing her head.

"I have to, I need to try figure this out." She mumbled as she tried to rub the headache she had out.

Eyeball felt a smile creep onto his face as he knew the sight of Denny taking his first steps would cheer her up.

"Why don't you come downstairs a minute? I got something to show you." He offered, feeling ready to see the love in her eyes when she saw him walking.

Athena groaned out as she sat up straight and looked down at the files.

"In a bit, I really need to get started."

Eyeball walked closer. "No come on you really have to see this." He insisted as his excitement grew.

"Eyeball please!" Athena snapped as she stared up at him.

Eyeball stepped back as his excitement disappeared.

"You can't seriously say work is more important than this?" He snapped as he waved behind him.

Athena sighed. "Eyeball this is a huge case and I need to do this for everyone." She moaned out.

"For who? The fuck you doing it for thats more important than our family?" He questioned.

Athena felt anger growing in her. "Eyeball this is for our family, sorting this will keep you all safe!" She snapped back.

Eyeball scoffed. "How will it?"

Athena sighed. "It just will, so just let me do my job and keep my children safe!" She spat out.

Eyeball bit his tongue as he tried to hold himself back but he couldn't.

"I thought they were our children." He spat out.

Athena sighed realising what she had said. Yet before she could say anything he turned and walked to the door, giving her one last spiteful look.

"Oh and by the way. Your son's taken his first few steps. In case you care." He spat out as he stormed from the room and slammed the door behind him.

Athena groaned out as she leant back against the headboard and heard him storming down the stairs angrily.

She looked down at the massive wad of paperwork and groaned out. This was for her family. She had to keep them safe.

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