Chapter 22

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Aera PoV:
Can't believe he got out again! Can't those stupid guardians do their job right for once and keep an actual Multiverseal threat at bay. Nowadays I have to do things myself cause no can be bothered to do it themselves. I can't even go to Universe 7 and see my own sister who I haven't known existed until after being revived back from an unexpected death by my own blood father, Xzander.

I made my way inside the Eternal Prison ready to have a personal word or two with Lucius and demand that he upgrades his security before anymore dangerous criminals let loose and cause endless mayhem across the entire Multiverse. "My family is in danger because of these idiots! And if they do anything about it I'll surely lover to get my hands dirty for them and kill him before anything bad happens to anyone" I thought worrying about those close to me just like my mother once did before dying alongside with the Universe, but I wonder what happened to Uncle Ebba is he alive too? If so where? I can feel his presence and yet so far away.

Wondering through the Eternal Prison the feeling of uneasiness began to build up within me as the place remained silent even though I am used to hearing their screams for mercy as every prisoner had their own punishment depending on what horrific crime they had committed. However there are some unusual presences that do not belong here at all, but first I must find Lucius before I begin my search.

I sighed finally making my way to the main office where Lucius mainly sits and does important work in order to main full control over the facility. I froze seeing the door slightly open which is off as Lucius never leaves it open or unlocked, but I can't scan any sign of anyone in the room so I took extra precaution and slowly went inside. I regret that decision greatly as when I looked around my eyes widened at the horrific sight of Lucius facing me dead as it seemed that he had been impaled by someone seeing his eyes wide open in surprise as if he knew who murdered him, but who would murder Lucius? I know he's a dick but he didn't deserve to die like this and possibly every dangerous criminal is probably roaming free causing hell because of it. This isn't looking good.

"I need to warn the angels, but why do I have a bad feeling about that? What am I missing?" Thinking to myself as I inhaled and exhaled before pushing the chair that held his deceased body with my leg to the other side of the room so I wouldn't have to look at the bloody thing all day. "Geez, talk about creepy. Never thought that Lucius was such a fucking weirdo" mumbling to myself seeing him watching over a specific room, but no one was seen inside like pure usual and yet I feel disgusted when looking at it. So the leader is dead, but where are the others? And what else are they hiding here other than criminals? Or are they even criminals to begin with?

I started scouting the entire place on my own knowing for a fact that my own allies wouldn't dare step foot in here so am I brave one here or are they the cowards?

The energy I was feeling is none like any other I have met before since Uncle Ebba once warned me that if I do come across a source I'm unsure about it's better to leave it or take precaution when finding out where the main source of it is coming from. Ebba was a great man I wished he was my father instead of the one I'm stuck with. Ugh I feel so disgusted in myself for even thinking about him. Upon arriving at the destination a set of footsteps could be heard rushing behind me putting me on edge as I spun around seeing a group of mortal beings and God I have never met before in my life, but when the last one caught up my heart dropped it was no other than my Uncle Ebba fully well and alive.

"Ah. Aera you look well, my boy. It's been awhile What bring's you here?" He asked walking up to me as I remained frozen in shock unsure of what to say back as it has been ages since I've last saw him and now here he stands right in from of me.

"Just luring through this dead empty corridor in hopes to find anyone, why are you here?" I questioned as he looked back at his buddies who looked add and yet powerful especially the odd black spiky haired Saiyans that stood there staring at me as if I had done something wrong.

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