Chapter 29

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It has only been 2 weeks since Nova and Zorion had become acquainted with Xeno and his slightly unidentical twins even if the boys fought on a daily basis over silly things and growing overprotective of one another's family, but there is something odd going on between some that there is in the other.

Nova tagged in on the training personally soaring against Xeno himself as he proved to go beyond what she had expected from him as he used MUI merged with SSJ5 against her own which proved to be very hard for the poor Toura-Jin hybrid to counter and keep up with him, but that is exactly what she expected to happen forcing herself to reach limits she never thought could be reached and become even stronger than before.

"That's it! Keep pushing yourself and you'll surely get there!" Xeno yelled with a proud smile aching her on boosting up her self confidence and determination to keep pushing forward and never let anything get in the way of reaching her goal on taking down Xzander and restore peace to the entire Multiverse.

However Zora was stuck in the watch of his father Zorion who seemed to be hanging around with the lady be first jumped into and Xeno's younger twin sister, Rin.

"Papa?" Zora called out trying to get his father's attention despite being loud enough for the Saiyan to hear, but he kept on chatting and laughing with Rin as if he had never existed. The boy was clueless as he went to reach for his hand causing Zorion to glare down at him startling the poor boy causing him to stumble backwards.

"You need to stop being so clingy, you're too old to be holding my hand let alone your mothers, so stop embarrassing me" Zorion replied educating his son to grow up and be more warrior than princess when being loved by his mother who was the main reason why he is like this.

"Give the boy some slack. She clearly has no idea on how to raise a cub yet, but I see a string warrior growing within and one day he'll be just as strong as his father" Rin said feeling slightly bad for the boy looking down at him while Zorion remained cold despite thinking about properly educating him on how to be a real Saiyan.

"You know what? I'm going to start training you myself, it's about time you learn about your Saiyan heritage" Zorion suggested before grabbing the kid's wrist dragging him along while Rin quickly followed after them knowing that this could either end bad or well for the boy if he was to listen and practice with his father more often than with Nova who she believes is incapable of taking care of a child which is very dangerous for her to judge Nova so quickly on how to raise a cub 'correctly'.

When coming onto a outskirt field far from the others Zorion was prepared to show his son the real power that could come out of that tiny half bred body of his and with the power of a Toura-jin and angel surely he'll be capable of great things.

"What about mama?" Zora asked making Zorion roll his eyes as if he had enough of this mama's boy bull crap and the day that his son toughens up is going to start today and won't stop until the kid knows how to learn basic fighting techniques.

"Now show me your battle stance, that's if you have one, do you not?" Zorion wondered as Zora did exactly that seeing the resemblance of Nova within him which proved that she had at least trained the boy at some point, but when? "Looks like your mother isn't as helpless as I thought she was, I can give her credit for that" He added as Zora growled hearing such foul words come out of his father's mouth causing the boy's BP to rise dramatically surprising the two at how intense things could escalate if not dealt with soon or Nova will surely find out about this.

"My mother isn't helpless! You're the one that helpless as I can easily over ride you BP thanks to my mama's training! I don't need you to help me get stronger I have Grandpa, Uncle Gohan and Goten who are far better than you!" Zora unexpectedly yelled at his father causing Zorion to loose it and transform into his highest state being MUI while the boy went SSJ4 not wanting to go too high.

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