A Monsters Heart

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"Long ago there was a village inhabited by a pack of monsters, and just outside of this village a magical family lived. The villagers had allowed them to live here and openly invited them to be a part of their world.

Two of the sons born into this magical family fell in love with a peasant girl who could not decide between the two of them. These two sons were as different in looks as they were in actions, one was dark and the other fair.. One was an artist, the other a thinker, one flighty as a bird the other steady as a mountain...

The fair son was put down every day by his father but no one noticed nor did they care. At least that was what he thought and indeed he tried to hide it, for his lady love would surely think him weak.

He did not know that one of the monsters that lived in the village had seen and heard everything. He also didn't know that this monster (who was the daughter of the village chief) was secretly in love with him. She who was best friends with his younger brother and sister was little more than a child in his eyes.

One day the village threw a party and the magical family was invited as well. But this part was truly a show of strength and whoever won could crown the queen of beauty for the night.

All of the men in the village including the brothers tried their skills but in the end, it was the older brother of the little monster who won. Instead of crowning the one everyone thought he would crown, he crowned his sister for in the eyes of his family she was the Queen of beauty.

The Queen stood tall and gorgeous in front of the crowd, and she was allowed to choose her dance partner for the night. Much to the surprise of all, she chose the fair brother, for she had seen how the peasant girl had decided on the dark one.

That night for the first time the fair brother saw someone other than the peasant girl, he looked in the Little monster's eyes and saw something, he saw understanding and love...

Before long the fair boy had stopped chasing the peasant girl, instead, he was besotted with the monster. Often he went out with her and his younger brother on the adventures they would take. It confused his brother, it thrilled the monster, and before long it changed to just the two of them going on adventures together.

Finally, the fair brother asked the monster's father for permission to court her, and the monster's father gave it to him. It was mere weeks before, again, the fair brother came to the father and asked for permission to marry her.

They were married in a short amount of time, but one night not long after, the monster left to join her kin in the monthly hunt, and disaster struck. After that night the girl returned to find her new family broken in ways they had not been before. She watched as her new mother-in-law and father-in-law plotted together, she was unsure what they were doing.

A few weeks later the magical parents invited the monster's younger brother to join them for dinner and everything was revealed and their world changed forever."



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