Ding Dong The Witch is Back

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Trigger Warning:  Mentions of wanting an abortion, forced pregnancy, and minor depression

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Trigger Warning:  Mentions of wanting an abortion, forced pregnancy, and minor depression

"Isabel is back in town." Eric stated walking into the room where his niece sat reading, his eyes trailed over her for a second noticing she looked unhappy. "Whats wrong?"

Lorn looked up as she asked "Do you think its worth it?"

Her uncle tilted his head "What?"

"This town, these people, any of it, do you think its worth facing Katherine putting our lives in jeopardy just to kill her?"

Eric sighed walking until he could kneel before Lorn "The people in this town will always let you down, I know I've been here a long time. But end of the day you dont want to kill Katherine just to protect these people. You want revenge for all the things she did to you, and so do I... I still remember the pain i saw in your eyes when you thought Damon had betrayed you. Now you tell me, do you want revenge?"

Lorns eyes hardened and she nodded "Yes, I want to kill that witch."

Eric smiled though his eyes held a touch of sadness, he couldnt have his most valuable ally decide to pull back and take her husband with her. So, he had to help her a little, make sure her pain was at the forefront of her mind.... After all what else was an uncle to do?

The next day Alaric called a meeting as Lorn left her classroom she headed to the History teachers office. An arm wrapped around her waist and she smiled "Ahh Stefan my beloved how wonderful to see you."

"Yeah, real funny babe." Damons unamused voice cut the air causing Lorn too look up and bat her eyelashes "Oh, Damon what a surprise."

Damon shook his head in amusement before the two entered Alarics office, the vampire hunter greeted them "Lorn, Damon, thanks for coming."

"Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh...never mind." Damon trailed off looking to his brother and Elena "What's with all the furrowed brows?"

"I saw Isobel last night." Alaric informed causing Damon to nod "Yeah, Eric told us... Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?"

Alaric didnt bother questioning the fact that Eric knew, it seemed that the older vampire tended to know most things. 


"No they're not?" Damon asked causing Alaric to sheepishly shrug "No, I didn't ask."

"What about the invention?"

 "Didn't ask."

"Did she know about the tomb vampires?"

"I don't know."

Damon shared a look of disbelief with Lorn before he snarked asked "Did words completely escape you?"

"Didnt know that was possible for a history teacher." Lorn added causing Alaric to roll his eyes "No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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