All You Need is Blood

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Lorn entered her house to find her husband lying on the floor with his eyes gouged out, she groaned, just wonderful

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Lorn entered her house to find her husband lying on the floor with his eyes gouged out, she groaned, just wonderful. Moving forward she knelt down beside him "Let me guess Pearl."

A groan of pain was her only answer and she nodded, gently pulling his head into her lap and running a hand through his hair as he healed. "Sunglasses might be a good option for a few days babe."

"Thanks for the advice" Was the smart aleck remark from the wounded vampire, Lorn grinned before she considered their options "You know, it might not be a bad idea for me to track down my uncle, he said he was older than the vampires we knew."

Damon shot up at that remark shaking his head "No, we can handle this ourselves, the last thing we need is your uncle coming in and taking everything over." 

Lorn raised an eyebrow in amusement, she knew that Damon and Eric got along well when they were just having a drink or something, but the two did not work well together in serious situations.

"Fine, but in the meantime, until we find out what is going on you need to put back on your playboy persona.... I'll take care of the rest."

Damon gave his wife a surprised glance (as best he could with his eyes still healing) she hated his playboy trope... Whatever she thought was going down must have been bigger than he first expected.


A few days later Lorn returned home frustrated, she knew the local vamps were out of their cave but there had to be something bigger going on. Katherine was hiding, but Lorn was pretty sure the older vampire was not hiding from her... So who was powerful enough to make a woman like Katherine run for her life?

She entered the Salvatore boarding house to the dulcet tones of Damon and Stefan arguing "I have my reasons!"

"Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons? You know, we never actually discussed this. You know, I'd- I'd love to hear this story."

Lorn flashed upstairs to find Damon who winked at her on the couch as Stefan did push-ups "You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Watching me struggle?"

Damon smirked "Very much so." 

"What's going on?" Lorn asked hoping that what she was thinking wasn't true, her hopes were dashed as Damon gleefully said "Stefan is back on the human blood train." 
Lorn groaned, she had been one of the people who helped him get off that train to begin with, she looked to Stefan who shook his head "I hate to break it to you Damon but...I actually have it under complete control."

"You do?" Damon asked snidely "Well, then you should just carry on, making the rest of us vampires look bad."

He stood moving to his wife "Have a great day, Stefan." Lorn felt Damon grab her hand but she shook her head moving further into the room as she noticed the glass Stefan was staring at "Damon.. You forgot something."

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